This project is not ready for production usage yet.
Provides a basic process engine that can load BPMN 2.0 diagrams and execute contained processes. The BPMN engine requires a relational database that is supported by KoolKode Database in order to persist process definitions, instances and other runtime data. Like Activiti it makes good use of the command pattern during execution of a process instance.
I recommend camunda Modeler to create executable process / collaboration diagrams. There is
no need for a graphical editor, but it turns creating process definitions into a more pleasant experience. The engine ships
with a class called BusinessProcessBuilder
that can be used to create a process without loading it from a BPMN 2.0
XML file.
The engine uses pessimistic locking of process instances within the DB to prevent concurrent access to process instances. This locking strategy may create deadlocks. Try switching to async continuations / service methods when you are in danger of running into a deadlock (keep in mind that async processing requires a job scheduler).
Add "koolkode/bpmn" to your composer dependencies.
composer update
to install the BPMN engine and it's dependencies. -
Open a command shell in your project directory and execute
./vendor/bin/kkdb migration:up
. -
Have the tool generate the
config file for you (supported DBs are Sqlite, MySQL / MariaDB and PostgreSQL). -
and add the path to themigration
directory of thekoolkode/bpmn
package. -
./vendor/bin/kkdb migration:up
again to apply DB migrations.
Copy the code shown into a file called .kkdb.php
next to your composer.json
. It configures a
Sqlite connection that stores a DB file in your project directory.
return [
'ConnectionManager' => [
'adapter' => [
'default' => [
'dsn' => sprintf('sqlite:%s/bpmn.db', __DIR__)
'connection' => [
'default' => [
'adapter' => 'default'
'Migration' => [
'MigrationManager' => [
'directories' => [
sprintf('%s/vendor/koolkode/bpmn/migration', __DIR__)
Run ./vendor/bin/kkdb migration:up
and proceed with creating a process engine instance.
You can create a process engine as soon as your DB has been setup as described in the installation instructions. Here is some sample code, that shows how to create a process engine:
use KoolKode\BPMN\Engine\ProcessEngine;
use KoolKode\Database\ConnectionManager;
use KoolKode\Event\EventDispatcher;
use KoolKode\Expression\ExpressionContextFactory;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$manager = ConnectionManager::fromConfigFile(__DIR__ . '/.kkdb.php');
$events = new EventDispatcher();
$expressions = new ExpressionContextFactory();
$engine = new ProcessEngine($manager->getConnection('default'), $events, $expressions);
// Use the repository service to deploy and query process definitions.
$repositoryService = $engine->getRepositoryService();
// Use the runtime service to start process instances and signal / message them.
$runtimeService = $engine->getRuntimeService();
// Use the task service to claim and complete user tasks.
$taskService = $engine->getTaskService();
The services that you aquire from the engine object offer all the features that are needed in order to deploy and run business processes defined using BPMN.
As of now KoolKode BPMN supports only a limited sub-set of BPMN elements.
- Exclusive
- Inclusive
- Parallel
- Event-based (exclusive)
- Task
- Manual Task
- Human Task
- Service Task
- Script Task (PHP only)
- Send Task
- Receive Task
- Subprocess
- Call Activity
- Event Subprocess
- None - Start / Intermediate / End
- Link - Intermediate
- Terminate - End
- Signal - Start / Intermediate / Boundary / End
- Messafe - Start / Intermediate / Boundary / End
- Timer - Intermediate