
RNASeq workflows: with and without transcripts assembly

Primary LanguagePython

Workflows for RNA-Seq analysis

There are:

  • RNASeq.sanke
  • RNASeq_Counts.snake
  • counts_to_tpm.R


Last update: 2020-06-18

This is a RNA-Seq analysis workflow including transcripts assembly for paired-end sequencing data.

It contains:

  • Reads alignment back to genome: HISAT2
  • Transcripts assembly: StringTie
  • Gene counts process for DESeq2: prepDE.py

Environments and dependencies:

  • RNASeq.yml
    • snakemake (v5.7.4)
    • HISAT2 (v2.2.0)
    • samtools (v1.9)
    • StringTie (v2.1.1)
  • py27.yml
    • python (v2.7.15)

All you need:

  • Create an environment with RNASeq.yml and activate it, or use your own pacakges
  • A sample_list.txt containing all the sample names separated by comma (e.g. SRR9048143,SRR9048144)
  • An annotation file (e.g. Mus_musculus.GRCm38.96.gtf)
  • Genome index for HISAT2
  • Put the paired fastq files of each sample into datasets
  • prepDE.py file for generating counts matirx
  • Edit RNASeq.sanke:
    • Assign HISAT2_INDEX_PREFIX = "PATH_TO_GENOME_INDEX(contain index prefix)"

Usage: snakemake --use-conda -p -j {threads} -s RNASeq.snake

  • Threads is limited up to 16


Last update: 2020-04-24

This is a RNA-Seq analysis workflow for read counting for paired-end sequencing data.

It contains:

  • Reads alignment back to genome: HISAT2
  • Process of read counts: featureCounts

Environments and dependencies:

  • subread (v2.0.0)
  • RNASeq.yml
    • snakemake (v5.7.4)
    • HISAT2 (v2.1.0)

All you need:

  • Create an environement with RNASeq.yml and activate it, or use your own packages
  • A sample_list.txt containing all the sample names separated by comma (e.g. SRR9048143,SRR9048144)
  • An annotation file (e.g. Mus_musculus.GRCm38.96.gtf)
  • Genome index for HISAT2
  • Put the paired fastq files of each sample into datasets
  • Edit RNASeq.sanke:
    • Assign HISAT2_INDEX_PREFIX = "PATH_TO_GENOME_INDEX(contain index prefix)"

Usage: snakemake -p -j {threads} -s RNASeq_Counts.snake

  • Threads is limited up to 16


Last update: 2020-08-31

This is a command line executable script for counts to RPKM/FPKM and TPM transformation and annotations using ENSEMBL datasets.

Usage: Rscript counts_to_tpm.R {input} {species} {output}

  • input: it takes the output count matirx of featureCounts. e.g. counts.txt from the pipeline
  • species: it supports human and mouse. Default: human
  • output: set for output filename. Default: GeneExpression.txt