
Things that need to be standardised so that the code doesn't break:

Name: WashWash1 Android version used for development: API 29: Android 10.0

Current structure:

  1. Landing page (MainActivity.java + activity_main.xml): Contains the 3 BLK buttons to be selected
  2. Washer page (Displays 10 washers using CARDS, coloured RED or GREEN based on availability): Each RED washer is selectable and a card pops up displaying the time remaining
  3. Dryer page (Displays 10 dryers, coloured RED or GREEN based on availability)

Card layout:

  1. Machine number
  2. If occupied, then remaining time
  3. 3-dot menu for report function

Things to note:

  1. GridView and GridLayout
  2. RelativeLayout -> NavBar -> ScrollView -> GridLayout -> CardView -> ImageView & TextView (link to remaining_time using java)

How do we refresh the washer/dryer page and how often? 1.

Under what circumstances will the washer/dryer icon turn from GREEN to RED:

  1. If th vibration sensor records data for 1 consecutive minute, then timer counts down from 45min.

Under what circumstances will the washer/dryer icon turn from RED to GREEN:

  1. If the vibration sensor has not recorded any movement for 5 consecutive minutes, then machine is UNOCCUPIED and icon turns from red to green
  2. If the timer of the machine counts all the way down to 0min

Team 2D

1005035 Wee Neville

1005141 M S Subesh Kumar

1005458 Cheong Cher Lynn

1005010 Dhanush Kumar Manogar

1005128 Shawn Choo

1005485 Wang Siyang

1005269 Ivan Feng