Things that need to be standardised so that the code doesn't break:
Name: WashWash1 Android version used for development: API 29: Android 10.0
Current structure:
- Landing page ( + activity_main.xml): Contains the 3 BLK buttons to be selected
- Washer page (Displays 10 washers using CARDS, coloured RED or GREEN based on availability): Each RED washer is selectable and a card pops up displaying the time remaining
- Dryer page (Displays 10 dryers, coloured RED or GREEN based on availability)
Card layout:
- Machine number
- If occupied, then remaining time
- 3-dot menu for report function
Things to note:
- GridView and GridLayout
- RelativeLayout -> NavBar -> ScrollView -> GridLayout -> CardView -> ImageView & TextView (link to remaining_time using java)
How do we refresh the washer/dryer page and how often? 1.
Under what circumstances will the washer/dryer icon turn from GREEN to RED:
- If th vibration sensor records data for 1 consecutive minute, then timer counts down from 45min.
Under what circumstances will the washer/dryer icon turn from RED to GREEN:
- If the vibration sensor has not recorded any movement for 5 consecutive minutes, then machine is UNOCCUPIED and icon turns from red to green
- If the timer of the machine counts all the way down to 0min
Team 2D
1005035 Wee Neville
1005141 M S Subesh Kumar
1005458 Cheong Cher Lynn
1005010 Dhanush Kumar Manogar
1005128 Shawn Choo
1005485 Wang Siyang
1005269 Ivan Feng