- A clear data pipeline (starting with unchanged raw data): This means that the data is transformed in stages. For example, the raw data is fed into a notebook that transforms and saves an intermediate (cleaned) dataset. The intermediate dataset is then read into a processing notebook where feature engineering takes place. The new dataset (with features) is then saved before moving onto the next stage.
- Separation of concerns (seperate files that do different things): In computer science, separation of concerns (SoC) is a design principle for separating a computer program into distinct sections, so that each section addresses a separate concern.
- Standard file naming conventions: In order to avoid the terrible df/ df_new/df_new_final scenario listed above, it’s important to build one consistent file naming system before you start coding.
This project follows the project structure of "Data Science for Social Good"...
├── README.md <- The top-level README for developers.
├── conf <- Space for credentials
├── data
│ ├── 01_raw <- Immutable input data
│ ├── 02_intermediate<- Cleaned version of raw
│ ├── 03_processed <- Data used to develop models
│ ├── 04_models <- trained models
│ ├── 05_model_output<- model output
│ └── 06_reporting <- Reports and input to frontend
├── docs <- Space for Sphinx documentation
├── notebooks <- Jupyter notebooks. Naming convention is
| date YYYYMMDD (for ordering),
│ the creator's initials, and a short `-`
| delimited description.
├── references <- Data dictionaries, manuals, etc.
├── results <- Final analysis docs.
├── requirements.txt <- The requirements file for reproducing the
| analysis environment.
├── .gitignore <- Avoids uploading data, credentials,
| outputs, system files etc
└── src <- Source code for use in this project.
├── __init__.py <- Makes src a Python module
├── d00_utils <- Functions used across the project
│ └── remove_accents.py
├── d01_data <- Scripts to reading and writing data etc
│ └── load_data.py
├── d02_intermediate<- Scripts to transform data from raw to
| | intermediate
│ └── create_int_payment_data.py
├── d03_processing <- Scripts to turn intermediate data into
| | modelling input
│ └── create_master_table.py
├── d04_modelling <- Scripts to train models and then use
| | trained models to make predictions.
│ └── train_model.py
├── d05_model_evaluation<- Scripts that analyse model
| | performance and model selection.
│ └── calculate_performance_metrics.py
├── d06_reporting <- Scripts to produce reporting tables
│ └── create_rpt_payment_summary.py
└── d07_visualisation<- Scripts to create frequently used plots
└── visualise_patient_journey.py