Implementation of multiple algorithms for inferring trust in the user network (social graph) using various network properties such as trust propagation, multi-aspect property, social trust etc.
- alxndrkalininBroad Institute of MIT and Harvard
- angkai
- bakszero@LinkedIn
- bhattisatish@mvp-rockets
- DanielSlaterUnited Kingdom
- dkaterenchuk@kasisto
- dongyu1990
- ELLEN15038979725China
- esafakArchipelago AI
- fsilerLaw Office of Franklin M. Siler, Toto Labs
- Good4lienMoscow, Russia
- Humbugers
- Killthebug💻 @premAI-io
- kovalenko-boris
- lucmski
- LytherSUSTech
- pinkeshbadjatiya@microsoft
- robertoshimizuSao Paulo
- romutchioMoscow, Russia
- shashankg7UvA
- TrevorW-code@RippeyAi, formerly @rpalabs
- WsiegenthalerSeattle, WA