
A text tokenizer based on twitter datasetusing complex REGEX parsing

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A text tokenizer based on twitter datasetusing complex REGEX parsing

  • Strictly use python3
  • USAGE: python3 main.py or ./main.py
  • Routes:
    • / or /tweets/<filename>/<int:max_tweet_count>: Shows different features extracted from tweets using regex
      • Params in URL:
        • filename : Name of file
        • max_tweet_count : First specific no of tweets that we need to consider.
    • /tokenize : Shows the tokens extracted from the tweet using simple & logical heuristics.
    • /stats : Show the stats of multiple n-grams and generates sentences based on the n-gram choosen.
      • GET paramas:
        • filename = request.args.get("filename", "tweets.en.txt")
        • max_sentence_count = int(request.args.get("max_sentences", -1))
        • n_gram = int(request.args.get("n_gram", 1))
        • generate_sentence = int(request.args.get("generate_sentence", 0))
        • generate_type = request.args.get("generate_type", "")
        • sort_type = request.args.get("sort_type", "frequency")

Example URL's:


Sentence generation types:
This happens untill we reach the MAX_RECURSION_LIMIT or we find a <s/>

  • random

    • 1-gram : This chooses the next token completely randomely.
    • n-gram : This chooses the next token with probablity propotional to its frequency with that token.
  • most_frequent

    • 1-gram : Chooses the top "MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH_FOR_1_GRAM" no of unigrams based on frequency
    • n-gram : Chooses the next most frequent token(n-1 gram) along with the current token.


  1. It considers a lot of cases which include, "s...", "25,000", "this...", "are-", "lets play!!!", "25/3", "25metres/sec", "pinkesh@gmail.com", URL's, emoticons, glyphs, UNICODE chars, Multilingual Support etc.
  2. It provides a simple API interface to use. You can request any type of data using the GET parameters specified