How to use
- You need to create a gameobject name 'AndroidUtils' and add 'AndroidUtils.cs' script to it.
- When you want to start capturing your screen, call 'androidUtils.StartRecording()'. 'androidUtils' is a reference to AndroidUtils.cs instance.
- When you want to stop capturing your screen, call 'androidUtils.StopRecording()'. 'androidUtils' is a reference to AndroidUtils.cs instance.
A simple demo of AndroidUtils Plugin which provide 3 main function
- Record android screen.
- Request runtime permissions like Audio..
- Refresh android gallery so you capture file will show up on top.
It also contains 2 helper functions
- NativeShare for native send or share a video, image or text via social network, sms and email.
- ShowToast show android toast message.
Note that
- You might need to adjust the 'SCREEN_WIDTH' constant in AndroidUtils.cs for best video resolution. If 'SCREEN_WIDTH' is too big, your app may crash.
- The plugin only support api 21 and higher.