
Spatial datastructures for Bevy

Primary LanguageRustOtherNOASSERTION


A bevy plugin to track your entities in spatial indices and query them.

NOTE: You will need to enable at least one of the features.

Currently implemented features:

Feature Description
kdtree KD-Tree for spatial lookups which is fully recreated. This is ideal for cases where most entities are moving.
rstar R*-Tree for spatial lookups which is updated or recreated based on a threshold of changed entities. Ideal when most entities are static.

Quickstart using the kdtree feature:

use bevy_spatial::{KDTreeAccess2D, KDTreePlugin2D, SpatialAccess};

struct TrackedByKDTree;

fn main() {
       .add_plugin(KDTreePlugin2D::<TrackedByKDTree> { ..default() })
   // ...

type NNTree = KDTreeAccess2D<TrackedByKDTree>; // type alias for brevity

fn use_neighbour(tree: Res<NNTree>){
    if let Some((pos, entity)) = tree.nearest_neighbour(Vec2::ZERO) {
        // pos: Vec3
        // do something with the nearest entity here, most likley you will want a `query.get(entity)` call

For more details on usage see Examples

compatible bevy versions

bevy bevy_spatial
0.8 0.2.1
0.7 0.1

TODOs and Ideas

  • benchmarks

  • documentation

  • Versions of the SpatialAccess functions which return Iterators instead of Vecs

  • a feature for linfa_nn to use their abstractions over kdtree/balltree linear search

  • a feature for https://github.com/InstantDomain/instant-distance