Log Rotation

To start log rotation (log file archiving/deletion when rotating conditions are met) you need to create the configuration file. Place the following text to /etc/logrotate.d/rclone.conf file (don't forget to specify a path to the log):

/path/to/log/rclone/access.log {
rotate 16
size 1M
dateformat -%m%d%Y-%H%M

The above configuration tracks a log file /log/rclone/access.log and rotates it daily or on 1MB log size reaching.
After the log file archiving, it creates an empty log file. Archive creation date and time appends to the archive name with the specified format.
A log file isn’t rotated if it’s empty. It stores up to 16 archive files before deletion.
See more information about log rotation here.

To specify log rotation check-time create /etc/cron.d/logrotate file with the following content:
0 4 * * * root /usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf
Log rotation checkup will run every day at 4:00. Note: this cronjob should run as root.

Log Backup

To automate the log backup process use script archive_logs.sh (don't forget to specify a storage account and container for the archive).

This script will force the rclone to copy log archives to the remote storage account with the archive access tier.

To automatically execute this script place the following line to the /etc/crontab file (specify a username, time and path to script):

01 4 * * * username /bin/bash ~/archive_logs.sh

This cronjob will force /archive_logs.sh script execution daily at 4:01.

N.B. Options above may vary, and we’ll know the exact values after Truven-machine allocation and the use-case statistic collection.