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>> git clone https://github.com/pinkythegawd/discord-nitro-gen-and-checker/new/main >> pip install -r requirements.txt
1 - Enter your proxies in config/proxies.txt 2 - Create Discord Webhook and put link in config/config.json (optional) 3 - Enter a custom avatar url and username for webhook (optional) 4 - Select how many thread you want use in config/config.json (optional) 5 - Run main.py and enjoy checking
- Very Fast Checking
- Proxy support: http/s, socks4/5, Premium
- Simple Usage
- Custom Thread
- Send hit to webhook
- Email: eeveecutie2@gmail.com
- Discord: https://discord.gg/Zn6zSbTx7x
- Make for education propose only
- Under licensed MIT MIT License.