
Serve S3-compatible Bucket as photo album

Primary LanguageGo


Show photoalbums from S3-compatible buckets, e.g. Minio.

The application consists of a server that serves the images as gallery and a thumbnailer that can be run seprately. Both the photos and the thumbnails will are saved in S3 buckets.


Two S3 buckets.

TODO: bucket permissions exmaple


The server and tumbnailer are both configured via environment varibles. All varibles without a default must be set.

Common settings

Variable Default Description
S3G_S3_ENDPOINT S3 Endpoint without scheme
S3G_S3_ACCESS_KEY S3 Access key
S3G_S3_SECRET_KEY S3 Secret key
S3G_S3_MEDIA_BUCKET Bucket where the media files are stored
S3G_S3_THUMBNAIL_BUCKET Bucket to place the Thumbnails in
S3G_S3_USE_SSL true Whether to use SSL (https://) to connect to the endpoint
S3G_MODE_DEVELOP false Run in development mode (verbose logging)

Different access and secret keys can be specified for the server and the tumbnailer. While the server will need only read access to both buckets, the thumbnailer needs to be able to write to the thumbnails bucket. The bucket containing the media files may be read-only in both cases.

Server-specific settings

Variable Default Description
S3G_JWT_KEY Key to use for JWT authentication (openssl rand -base64 172)
S3G_INITIAL_USER admin Initial user to create
S3G_INITIAL_PASS admin Plain-text password for intial user
S3G_HOST localhost Hostname of the application
S3G_LISTEN_ADDRESS Address to listen on
S3G_LISTEN_PORT 7788 Port to listen on
S3G_RESOURCES_DIR . Directory containing /templates and /static directories

Don't forget to change the intial password after intial setup!

Thumbnailer-specific settings

Both ffmpegthumbnailer and exiftool are used to generate the thumbnails. The can be installed on most linux distributions via the package manager.

Variable Default Description
S3G_THUMBNAIL_SIZE 300" Size of generated thumbnails (in pixels)
S3G_FFMPEG_THUMBNAILER_PATH Path containing ffmpegthumbnailer
S3G_EXIF_TOOL_PATH Path containing exiftool


Start the thumbnailer and the server separately with the above variables set

s3fs mount bucket

s3fs bucket-name ~/s3mount -o 'use_path_request_style,url=https://s3.my.host'