This is a plugin for the awesome jekyll static site generator
fork or clone this repository
git clone git://
move the file in your ~/blog/plugins/ directory
and add configuration to your _config.yml file:
category_group_suffix: "_group"
category_group_unused: "Ungrouped"
or something like this. Now you can move your categories in groups:
my_category_group: "GroupA"
where _group is the suffix you choose in the category_group_suffix variable. After you've done this, you can include the plugin in your source. Because it is a Liquid Tag and not a Generator or stuff, you can include it where you want to. Just write
{% category_groups %}
The output will is done with ul and li html-tags, so you may put it in a div and customize it as you want.
You found a bug? Please tell me, via E-Mail or via github!
Currently there is no support for adding a category into more groups. I'm not sure I will implement this. So if you want to, send me a pull request for it!