
a small cli tool to version your git repository with semantic versioning

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

git-semver: A cli tool for versioning your git repository


There is no standardized way to version a git repository. Node applications store their version in a package.json, other appications store it in a Makefile or somewhere else.

What i want is small cli tool that handles the version of my repository, no matter what technology is under the hood.



brew tap meinto/git-semver https://github.com/meinto/git-semver
brew install meinto/git-semver/git-semver


Download the corresponding latest binary and run the install command. Right now the install command is only valid for mac and linux.

<name-of-binary> install

You can use semver as a gitplugin by using the following syntax:

git semver version ...


By default this cli tool uses a VERSION file in the root folder of a git repository to store the version. The versioning is built up on semantic versioning.

semver version [major|minor|patch] \
  [--dryrun] \                        # default: false -- only show how version would change
  [-p <path-to-repo>] \               # default: .
  [-f <version-file-name>] \          # default: VERSION -- define alternative version file
  [-t <version-file-type>] \          # default: raw -- you can set the values "json" or "raw"
  [--tag] \                           # default: false -- tag the commit with the new version
  [--push] \                          # default: false -- push all changes made by semver

You can create an individual semver.config.json file in the root of your project to override the default values of the flags. Simply run the semver init command and follow the instructions.

Custom version file

By default semver lookup the VERSION file in the current directory. If you want to store your version in a custom file use the flag -f.

If you prefer a json file which contains the version number in a version property you can do this by using the flags -f in combination with -t:

Auto file type detection will be implemented in the next release.
If you can't wait, please send a pull request :)

semver version minor -f package.json -t json

If your defined version file is of type json, the cli tool only overrides the property version and leaves other properties untouched.

Create git tag

With the flag --tag or short -T, semver will create a git tag of the new version e.g.: v1.0.0.

Push version changes

semver writes the new version back into the version file. As described, you can also tag the commit using the flag -T. To automatically push these changes made by semver, use the flag --push or short -P.

Get Version(s)

With the get command you can get the current or next possible versions.

semver get         # will print the current version
semver get major   # will print the next major version
semver get minor   # will print the next minor version
semver get patch   # will print the next patch version

With the --raw or short -r flag you will get the plain number without description. For example:

semver get minor --raw


Create a fork, make your changes, and send a pull request. 😎