
A secrets management tool for developers built in Go - never leave your command line for secrets.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

💻 Never leave your terminal for secrets
📟 Create easy and clean workflows for working with cloud environments
🔎 Scan for secrets and fight secret sprawl

Teller - the open-source universal secret manager for developers

Never leave your terminal to use secrets while developing, testing, and building your apps.

Instead of custom scripts, tokens in your .zshrc files, visible EXPORTs in your bash history, misplaced .env.production files and more around your workstation -- just use teller and connect it to any vault, key store, or cloud service you like (Teller support Hashicorp Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, Google Secret Manager, and many more).

You can use Teller to tidy your own environment or for your team as a process and best practice.

Quick Start with teller (or tlr)

You can install teller with homebrew:

$ brew tap spectralops/tap && brew install teller

You can now use teller or tlr (if you like shortcuts!) in your terminal.

teller will pull variables from your various cloud providers, vaults and others, and will populate your current working session (in various ways!, see more below) so you can work safely and much more productively.

teller needs a tellerfile. This is a .teller.yml file that lives in your repo, or one that you point teller to with teller -c your-conf.yml.

Create your configuration

Run teller new and follow the wizard, pick the providers you like and it will generate a .teller.yml for you.

Alternatively, you can use the following minimal template or view a full example:

project: project_name
  stage: development

# remove if you don't like the prompt
confirm: Are you sure you want to run in {{stage}}?

  # uses environment vars to configure
  # https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/blob/api/v1.0.4/api/client.go#L28
      path: secret/data/{{stage}}/services/billing

  # this will fuse vars with the below .env file
  # use if you'd like to grab secrets from outside of the project tree
      path: ~/billing.env.{{stage}}

Now you can just run processes with:

$ teller run node src/server.js
Service is up.
Loaded configuration: Mailgun, SMTP
Port: 5050

Behind the scenes: teller fetched the correct variables, placed those (and just those) in ENV for the node process to use.


Running subprocesses

Manually exporting and setting up environment variables for running a process with demo-like / production-like set up?

Got bitten by using .env.production and exposing it in the local project itself?

Using teller and a .teller.yml file that exposes nothing to the prying eyes, you can work fluently and seamlessly with zero risk, also no need for quotes:

$ teller run -- your-process arg1 arg2... --switch1 ...

Inspecting variables

This will output the current variables teller picks up. Only first 2 letters will be shown from each, of course.

$ teller show

Local shell population

Hardcoding secrets into your shell scripts and dotfiles?

In some cases it makes sense to eval variables into your current shell. For example in your .zshrc it makes much more sense to use teller, and not hardcode all those into the .zshrc file itself.

In this case, this is what you should add:

eval "$(teller sh)"

Easy Docker environment

Tired of grabbing all kinds of variables, setting those up, and worried about these appearing in your shell history as well?

Use this one liner from now on:

$ docker run --rm -it --env-file <(teller env) alpine sh

Scan for secrets

Teller can help you fight secret sprawl and hard coded secrets, as well as be the best productivity tool for working with your vault.

It can also integrate into your CI and serve as a shift-left security tool for your DevSecOps pipeline.

Look for your vault-kept secrets in your code by running:

$ teller scan

You can run it as a linter in your CI like so:

run: teller scan --silent

It will break your build if it finds something (returns exit code 1).

Use Teller for productively and securely running your processes and you get this for free -- nothing to configure. If you have data that you're bringing that you're sure isn't sensitive, flag it in your teller.yml:

      path: ~/my-dot-env.env
      severity: none # will skip scanning. possible values: high | medium | low | none

By default we treat all entries as sensitive, with value high.

Redact secrets from process outputs, logs, and files

You can use teller as a redaction tool across your infrastructure, and run processes while redacting their output as well as clean up logs and live tails of logs.

Run a process and redact its output in real time:

$ teller run --redact -- your-process arg1 arg2

Pipe any process output, tail or logs into teller to redact those, live:

$ cat some.log | teller redact

It should also work with tail -f:

$ tail -f /var/log/apache.log | teller redact

Finally, if you've got some files you want to redact, you can do that too:

$ teller --in dirty.csv --out clean.csv

If you omit --in Teller will take stdin, and if you omit --out Teller will output to stdout.

Populate templates

Have a kickstarter project you want to populate quickly with some variables (not secrets though!)?

Have a production project that just has to have a file to read that contains your variables?

You can use teller to inject variables into your own templates (based on go templates).

With this template:

Hello, {{.Teller.EnvByKey "FOO_BAR" "default-value" }}!


$ teller template my-template.tmpl out.txt

Will get you, assuming FOO_BAR=Spock:

Hello, Spock!

Prompts and options

There are a few options that you can use:

  • carry_env - carry the environment from the parent process into the child process. By default we isolate the child process from the parent process. (default: false)

  • confirm - an interactive question to prompt the user before taking action (such as running a process). (default: empty)

  • opts - a dict for our own variable/setting substitution mechanism. For example:

  region: env:AWS_REGION
  stage: qa

And now you can use paths like /{{stage}}/{{region}}/billing-svc where ever you want (this templating is available for the confirm question too).

If you prefix a value with env: it will get pulled from your current environment.


For each provider, there are a few points to understand:

  • Sync - full sync support. Can we provide a path to a whole environment and have it synced (all keys, all values). Some of the providers support this and some don't.
  • Key format - some of the providers expect a path-like key, some env-var like, and some don't care. We'll specify for each.

General provider configuration

We use the following general structure to specify sync mapping for all providers:

# you can use either `env_sync` or `env` or both
  path: ... # path to mapping
    PROVIDER_VAR1: VAR3 # Maps PROVIDER_VAR1 to local env var VAR3
    path: ... # path to value or mapping
    field: <key> # optional: use if path contains a k/v dict
    decrypt: true | false # optional: use if provider supports encryption at the value side
    severity: high | medium | low | none # optional: used for secret scanning, default is high. 'none' means not a secret 
    redact_with: "**XXX**" # optional: used as a placeholder swapping the secret with it. default is "**REDACTED**"
    path: ...

Remapping Provider Variables

Providers which support syncing a list of keys and values can be remapped to different environment variable keys. Typically, when teller syncs paths from env_sync, the key returned from the provider is directly mapped to the environment variable key. In some cases it might be necessary to have the provider key mapped to a different variable without changing the provider settings. This can be useful when using env_sync for Hashicorp Vault Dynamic Database credentials:

  path: database/roles/my-role
    username: PGUSER
    password: PGPASSWORD

After remapping, the local environment variable PGUSER will contain the provider value for username and PGPASSWORD will contain the provider value for password.

Hashicorp Vault


If you have the Vault CLI configured and working, there's no special action to take.

Configuration is environment based, as defined by client standard. See variables here.


  • Sync - yes
  • Mapping - yes
  • Key format - path based, has to start with secret/data/

Example Config

    path: secret/data/demo/billing/web/env
      path: secret/data/demo/wordpress
      field: smtp



If you have the Consul CLI working and configured, there's no special action to take.

Configuration is environment based, as defined by client standard. See variables here.


  • Sync - yes
  • Mapping - yes
  • Key format
    • env_sync - path based, we use the last segment as the variable name
    • env - any string, no special requirement

Example Config

    path: ops/config
      path: ops/config/slack



Requires an API key populated in your environment in: HEROKU_API_KEY (you can fetch it from your ~/.netrc).


  • Sync - yes
  • Mapping - yes
  • Key format
    • env_sync - name of your Heroku app
    • env - the actual env variable name in your Heroku settings

Example Config

    path: my-app-dev
      path: my-app-dev



If you have etcdctl already working there's no special action to take.

We follow how etcdctl takes its authentication settings. These environment variables need to be populated


For TLS:



  • Sync - yes
  • Mapping - yes
  • Key format
    • env_sync - path based
    • env - path based

Example Config

    path: /prod/billing-svc
      path: /prod/billing-svc/vars/mg

AWS Secrets Manager


Your standard AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY need to be populated in your environment


  • Sync - yes
  • Mapping - yes
  • Key format
    • env_sync - path based
    • env - path based

Example Config

    path: /prod/billing-svc
      path: /prod/billing-svc/vars/mg

AWS Paramstore


Your standard AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY need to be populated in your environment


  • Sync - no
  • Mapping - yes
  • Key format
    • env - path based
    • decrypt - available in this provider, will use KMS automatically

Example Config

      path: /prod/billing-svc/vars
      decrypt: true

Google Secret Manager


You should populate GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=account.json in your environment to your relevant account.json that you get from Google.


  • Sync - no
  • Mapping - yes
  • Key format
    • env - path based, needs to include a version
    • decrypt - available in this provider, will use KMS automatically

Example Config

      # need to supply the relevant version (versions/1)
      path: projects/44882/secrets/MG_KEY/versions/1

.ENV (dotenv)


No need. You'll be pointing to a one or more .env files on your disk.


  • Sync - yes
  • Mapping - yes
  • Key format
    • env - env key like

Example Config

You can mix and match any number of files, sitting anywhere on your drive.

    path: ~/my-dot-env.env
      path: ~/my-dot-env.env



Install the doppler cli then run doppler login. You'll also need to configure your desired "project" for any given directory using doppler configure. Alternatively, you can set a global project by running doppler configure set project <my-project> from your home directory.


  • Sync - yes
  • Mapping - yes
  • Key format
    • env - env key like

Example Config

    path: prd
      path: prd
      field: OTHER_MG_KEY # (optional)

Security Model

Project Practices

  • We vendor our dependencies and push them to the repo. This creates an immutable, independent build, that's also free from risks of fetching unknown code in CI/release time.


For every provider, we are federating all authentication and authorization concern to the system of origin. In other words, if for example you connect to your organization's Hashicorp Vault, we assume you already have a secure way to do that, which is "blessed" by the organization.

In addition, we don't offer any way to specify connection details to these systems in writing (in configuration files or other), and all connection details, to all providers, should be supplied via environment variables.

That allows us to keep two important points:

  1. Don't undermine the user's security model and threat modeling for the sake of productivity (security AND productivity CAN be attained)
  2. Don't encourage the user to do what we're here for -- save secrets and sensitive details from being forgotten in various places.


To all Contributors - you make this happen, thanks!


Copyright (c) 2021 @jondot. See LICENSE for further details.