
A simple Podomoro timer running on the system tray. Configurable time(s) and number of sessions.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple Pomodoro timer running on the system tray. Configurable time(s) and number of sessions.

How to use

  1. Open config.txt with a file editor (Notepad is sufficient)
  2. Change the settings to your preferences. Remember to save the file.
  3. Run SimplePomodoro.exe. It will run on the system tray.
  4. Right-click the Simple Pomodoro icon, and click "Start Session" to start a session.
    A notification will pop up to when your work/break/long break sessions are over.
    If your settings are not automatic, you can proceed to the next session by right-clicking the icon
    and clicking "Continue Session". You can also click "Continue Session" while a session is ongoing
    to skip the session.
    NOTE: You can enable Auto Work-Session Starts and Auto Break-Session Starts, meaning you don't have
    to click "Continue Session" every time you're about to start your work or break session.
  5. You can stop an ongoing session by right-clicking the icon and clicking "Stop Session".
    You can also reset an ongoing session after stopping by right-clicking the icon and clicking "Reset Session".
  6. Right-click the icon and click "Exit" to terminate the program.


(nobody will donate anyways but here we go brothers)
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BSC address (accepting Binance Smart Chain tokens): 0xC8d5B444c66bf8d641BB6b6902533a41418d7B6e