TNLMeans is an implementation of the NL-means denoising algorithm in an Avisynth filter (by tritical)
This filter requires AviSynth 2.6.0 or AviSynth+ as well as the Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2015-19.
Avisynth wiki:
Project on github:
Based on tritical's v1.03 (2007) Additional works by pinterf
- move to github
- move to Visual Studio 2019
- C++ syntax updates
- Update to be an Avisynth v2.6 interface plugin
- x64 build
- Linux/GCC build
- 10-16 bit and Y, planar YUV/RGB video formats support
see or the documentation
note: plugin is pure c++, there is no SIMD code inside
use IDE
(mingw installed by msys2) From the 'build' folder under project root:
del ..\CMakeCache.txt
cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles"
cmake --build . --config Release
Clone repo and build
git clone
cd TNLMeans
cmake -B build -S .
cmake --build build
Useful hints:
build after clean:
cmake --build build --clean-first
delete CMake cache:
rm build/CMakeCache.txt
Find binaries at
Install binaries
cd build sudo make install