Enigma cipher written in Ruby and Rails
The goal of this project was...
- to learn about Ruby on Rails,
- to learn about openShift,
- and of course to learn about Enigma. :)
Replace the following line in config/secrets.yml:
secret_key_base: <%=ENV['SECRET_KEY_BASE']%>
secret_key_base: <%=ENV['OPENSHIFT_SECRET_TOKEN']%>
git remote add openshift ssh://<your ssh url>
git push --set-upstream openshift master
- http://people.physik.hu-berlin.de/~palloks/js/enigma/enigma-u_v20_en.html [//]: # maybe the biggest help
- http://practicalcryptography.com/ciphers/enigma-cipher/ [//]: # very nice writing about how it works with example
- http://users.telenet.be/d.rijmenants/en/enigmatech.htm [//]: # very extensive site about enigma
- http://startpad.googlecode.com/hg/labs/js/enigma/enigma-sim.html
- http://enigmaco.de/enigma/enigma.html [//]: # flash simulator in debug fashion
- http://www.matematiksider.dk/enigma_eng.html
- http://enigma.louisedade.co.uk/enigma.html [//]: # emulator and documentation
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enigma_rotor_details [//]: # wiki about rotors