
Dapp for custom Cryptoz platform NFT market

Primary LanguageJavaScript



To enable hot reload: Create a .env file at the root of the project and paste the following: FAST_REFRESH=false

To install packages: yarn To run the app locally: yarn start


Dapp for custom Cryptoz platform NFT market

Moonbase NFT market - this may change.

WMOVR ( wrapped movr) contract - 0x372d0695E75563D9180F8CE31c9924D7e8aaac47

ZOOM contract - 0x8e21404bAd3A1d2327cc6D2B2118f47911a1f316

Zoombies contract - 0x3E7997B8D30AA6216102fb2e9206246e478d57d3

Before Listing or bidding, the user must set Approvals for the market contract on the NFTs and the saleToken contracts.

For a seller, the dapp must call and get confirmed:

zoomInstance.setApprovalForAll("0x0D81Cd8e1c613c7A86A83C7269cB26B4fC6440b7", true) zoombiesInstance.setApprovalForAll("0x0D81Cd8e1c613c7A86A83C7269cB26B4fC6440b7", true)

then it can call the exposed contract methods:

Payable with saleToken ZOOM or WMOVR marketInstance.listItem( auctionEnd, ( in seconds ) minPrice, nftTokenIds[], saleToken )

payable matching the list saleToken bidder must token.approve(market,amount) marketInstance.bid( itemNumber, bidAmount )

After auctionEnd marketInstance.settle { itemNumber }


marketInstance.itemCount(); RETURNS uint256

marketInstance.getListItem(itemNumber); RETURNS struct Item { uint256 auctionEnd; uint256 minPrice; address saleToken; address seller; address highestBidder; uint256 highestBid; uint256[] tokenIds; }


event ItemListed( address indexed lister, uint256[] indexed tokenIds, address indexed saleToken, uint256 minPrice );

event Bid( uint256 itemNumber, uint256 bidAmount, address indexed bidder, uint256[] indexed tokenIds );

event Settled( uint256 itemNumber, uint256 bidAmount, address indexed winner, address indexed seller, uint256[] indexed tokenIds );