
Simple Vue Components that almost don't need any library

Primary LanguageVue

Everyday Vue Components

Simple Vue Components that almost don't need any library and are highly customizable.

Action Checkbox

Component that shows a symbol depending on the state of a boolean property. The simbols can be easily replaced to fit the function. I.e. : Play/Pause button.

Action Checkbox


Simple countdown component that displays the total number of left seconds in hh:mm;ss format.


Filelist Input

File input that display the selected inputs on small boxes. These boxes can be clicked so the file selected is removed from the list.

Filelist input


Modal component that depends entirely on vue and css. Requires a 'v-if' condition to display the modal.



This component displays a paginator. Just that.


Thumbnail Input

Image only input that validates if the file selectes is an image. If input is an image the component displays a thumbnail. The input can be reset clicking over the thumbnail.
