Set-up Environment

  1. Follow the step 1 and step 3 in the following manual to install Elasticsearch and logstash (not need to install others):

  2. To run logstash we need to add its path to environment variable: (1) install vim, (2) edit .bashrc file by command: vim ~/.bashrc, (3) Add "export PATH="/usr/share/logstash/bin/:$PATH" to the end of the file, (4) Run command: "source ~/.bashrc"

  3. Then follow the tutorial to indexing a csv file:

  4. Make sure that PostgreSQL is installed

Note that Docker can be used to deployed the server and client sides of this project. For both the server and client implementations, first you should go to the directory and use docker build command to generate a Docker image based on the Dockerfile. Then, in your server where you want to deploy SEPP, run this command for the /server

docker run  -p 3000:3000  --network seppnetwork --rm -d --name=back -v $PATH_TO_YOUR_DATABASE/sepp.db:/usr/src/app/loguiDB/sepp.db {$YOUR_SERVER_IMAGE}

and run this for the client image:

docker run -p 80:8080 -p 443:443 --rm -d --name=front {$YOUR_CLIENT_IMAGE}

SEPP Server

These instructions are for Ubuntu Linux. The steps can be adapted for all major platforms.

  • Install NodeJS (at least version 8.0)

    sudo apt install npm
    // Check if node is installed
    which node
  • Install MongoDB:

    Execute the four steps of the MongoDB installation instructions

    // Check if MongoDB is running
    // You should see the mongo client connect to the MongoDB server and show its version number.
    // Exit the client using:
    > exit
  • Install Redis

    sudo apt install redis-server
    // Start Redis
    // Check if Redis is running
    > PING
    // Should return PONG
    > QUIT
  • Set up the server

    // Clone the repository
    git clone
    // Change directory to repository
    cd searchx-backend
    // Install dependencies
    npm install
    // Copy example configuration
    cp .env.example .env
  • Choose a search provider You can choose between one of the three search providers for which SearchX has included provider modules:

    1. Elasticsearch
    2. Indri
    3. Bing

    The Elasticsearch provider is the easiest to setup with your own dataset, while the Indri provider supports more advanced features such as relevance feedback. The Bing provider is suitable for web search, but requires a (paid) Bing API key. Please see the sections linked for each provider on how to configure and use them. The Bing provider is suitable for web search. If you wish to use another search provider, please see the custom search providers section below.

  • Run the server

    // Start the development server
    npm run start
    // If you get any errors connecting to MongoDB or Redis they may be running on a different
    // port, instructions for changing the port are in the configuration section below.
    // Check if API is running (curl or through browser)
    curl http://localhost:4443

SEPP Client

  • Make sure the SEPP server is up and running.

  • Set up the server and install dependencies:

    // Clone the repository
    git clone
    // Change directory to repository
    cd searchx-frontend
    // Install dependencies:
    npm install
    // Copy example configuration
    cp .env.example .env
  • Start the development server:

    npm start
    // Now check http://localhost:8080/search