
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Simple exam tester with administration module. Based on MEAN app structure.

First run:

  1. Download and install Node from https://nodejs.org/en/ (my vesrison: v6.11.3)
  2. Install angular: npm install @angular/cli -g
  3. Install Express npm install express body-parser --save
  4. Install MongoDB from https://www.mongodb.com/
    This may be tricky and it is advised to follow instructions from this page: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/administration/install-community/ Don't forget to set up new destination folder while running this in cmd in instalation directory:

mongod.exe --dbpath C:\MongoDataBase\data\db (example of the path)
use exams (or change this name of a database in server/routes/api.js file)

  1. Run 'npm install' in projeckt folder (it is possible that this command covers 2. and 3. but it has to be tested)
  2. Run 'ng build' in project folder
  3. Run 'node server' in projeckt folder (in seperated cmd window)


For more control over database I recomend using https://robomongo.org/

Panel administracyjny

Basick administration panel with a main function of export all of the tests to a .xml file

login: admin password: 1q2w3e4rY