Research on Planning in Imagination

We're working on sample efficient (model-based) method for solving complex planning problems using imperfect learnt model for discreet and deterministic environments with perfect information like Sokoban.

Repository organization

├── (This file. Organization, road map, goals etc.)
├── doc (Papers write-ups, presentations, experiments descriptions and results etc.)
│   └── masters_thesis (PJ's master's thesis write-up)
├── etc (Other resources related to the project in general e.g. notes, papers, lectures)
└── src (All the code lives here)
    ├── <submodule name>  (Sub-project like AlphaZero implementation)
    ├── checkpoints       (Saved models etc.)
    ├── logs              (All logging related files)
    ├── out               (All side products of scripts that don't fit anywhere else)
    └──         (All scripts performing experiments and common utils live here)
