
Python implementation of linear graph embedding methods

Primary LanguageOpenEdge ABL

Python implementation of linear graph embedding methods

This module contains a python implementation of linear graph embedding methods based on PCA and LDA. These embedding methods are implemented via a the SINGLE class which has the following methods:

  1. getLaplacianMatrix: builds Laplacian matrices based on adjacency matrices
  2. embed: runs linear graph embedding method (either PCA or LDA driven, as specified at object initialization)


We provide toy simulated data corresponding to 10 subjects in the Sample Data folder.

Below is a short script, for the full script please see example.py file

import numpy, os, pandas
import cPickle as pickle
from pyLGE_02 import *

Nets = pickle.load(open('ToyNetworks.p', 'rb'))

### run PCA embedding:
Lpca = LGE(Adj = Nets, EmbedMethod='PCA', k=1)
ResPCA = Lpca.embed()

### run LDA embedding:
# start by building response vector which is required:
ClassVec = numpy.zeros((300,2))
tID = numpy.linspace(0,299, 300 )
ClassVec[ (tID < 100) | (tID > 200), 0] = 1
ClassVec[ (tID >= 100) & (tID <= 200), 1] = 1
ClassFull = numpy.tile( ClassVec.T, len(Nets)).T

# now run embedding:
Llda = LGE(Adj=Nets, EmbedMethod='LDA', classID=ClassFull) 
ResLDA = Llda.embed()

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