Payment Engine

A simple toy payments engine that reads a series of transactions from a CSV file, updates client accounts, handles disputes and chargebacks, and then outputs the state of clients accounts as a CSV file.

How to Run

cargo run -- transactions.csv > accounts.csv.

transactions.csv is the name of the csv file that exists in the ./csvFiles. It contains a series of transactions to be read and processed.

accounts.csv is the name of the file that exists in the ./csvFiles. It would contain the accounts details as a result processing the transactions.


  • Both of the csv files must exist before running the app. It does not create new ones if one or both of those file do not exist.
  • The name of those csv files must match with name of the files that are passed in the arguments.
  • An extra file failed.csv will contain those failed transactions, each with an err message. This might be useful in case we need to deal with them later.