Electron Workshop



This is Electron demo application created for Workshop purpose. It was created based on electron-forge + @electron-forge/plugin-vite + vite template. However, this boilerplate has some major changes to improve scalability:

  • Introduced monorepo structure using yarn workspaces. There are separate sub-projects for:
    • electron main process
    • react based renderers
    • common code that has to be shared - eg types definitions
  • It's TypeScript ready
  • It's a working example of an Electron multiple windows application
  common/           # shared code
  main/             # electron main process
    login-window/   # login renderer react project
    main/           # main renderer react project

Quick start

Check what Node.js version you're currently working at and switch to 18 LTS

node -v
nvm install --lts
nvm use --lts

Check out if you have yarn installed locally and if not, do so. During the workshop, we'll be using yarn v1.22.19

yarn -v
npm i -g yarn

Install dependencies:


Start application in dev mode:

yarn start

Package application for current system:

yarn package

Build distributables:

yarn make


This demo application is created using following frameworks and tools: