
Learn how to use LIT Protocol to encrypt and decrypt data for a message board application based on on-chain condition logic while storing on ComposeDB, built on the Ceramic Network.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

ComposeDB with LIT Protocol: Message Board

Learn how to use LIT Protocol to encrypt and decrypt data based on on-chain condition logic while storing on ComposeDB, built on the Ceramic Network.

For an implementation using Web3Modal for authentication, check out the with-web3modal branch.

Getting Started

  1. Install your dependencies:

Install your dependencies:

npm install
  1. Generate your admin seed, admin did, and ComposeDB configuration file:
npm run generate
  1. Finally, run your application in a new terminal (first ensure you are running node v16 in your terminal):
npm run dev

Learn More

To learn more about Ceramic please visit the following links