
Gateway to the PRE nodes of the threshold network

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0




NuCypher Porter can be described as the “Infura for NuCypher”. Porter is a web-based service that performs nucypher-based protocol operations on behalf of applications.

Its goal is to simplify and abstract the complexities surrounding the nucypher protocol to negate the need for applications to interact with the network directly. Porter enables applications to behave like a "light-client" by delegating network intensive operations like peering and node discovery to Porter. Porter facilitates cross-platform support for the nucypher protocol.


Running Porter

There are a variety of possible infrastructure setups for running the Porter service, and two scenarios for running the Porter service are provided here:

  1. Run the Porter service directly via docker, docker-compose, or the CLI (see Run Porter Directly)
  2. Run the Porter service with a reverse proxy via docker-compose (see Run Porter with Reverse Proxy)

Run Porter Directly


If running the Porter service using Docker or Docker Compose, it will run on port 80 (HTTP). If running via the CLI the default port is 9155, unless specified otherwise via the --http-port option.


  • CORS: Allowed origins for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is not enabled by default and can be enabled either via the --allow-origins option for the CLI, or the PORTER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS environment variable for docker-compose.

    The value is expected to be a comma-delimited list of strings/regular expressions for origins to allow requests from. To allow all origins, simply use "*".


    Origin values can be a string (for exact matches) or regular expressions (for more complex matches).

    As part of CORS, the scheme (https or http) is also checked, so using only example.com is incorrect to allow an origin from that specific domain. For exact matches, you can use https://example.com for HTTPS or http://example.com for HTTP. For non-default ports (i.e. not 443 or 80), the ports should be specified e.g. https://example.com:8000 or http://example.com:8001.

    For regular expressions, to allow all sub-domains of example.com, you could use .*\.example\.com$ which incorporates wildcards for scheme and sub-domain. To allow multiple top-level domains you could use .*\.example\.(com|org)$ which allows any origins from both example.com and example.org domains.

via Docker

Run Porter within Docker without acquiring or installing the nucypher-porter codebase.

  1. Get the latest image:

  2. Run Porter service

    For HTTP service (on default port 80):


    The commands above are for illustrative purposes and can be modified as necessary.

  3. Porter will be available on default port 80 (HTTP).
  4. View Porter logs

  5. Stop Porter service

via Docker Compose

Docker Compose will start the Porter service within a Docker container.

  1. There is no need to install nucypher-porter after acquiring the codebase since Docker will be used.
  2. Set the required environment variables:
  3. Run Porter service

    For HTTP service (on default port 80):

    Porter will be available on default ports 80 (HTTP).

  4. View Porter logs

  5. Stop Porter service

via CLI

Acquire the nucypher-porter code base, and install using pip. Either:

$ pip3 install .


$ pip3 install -e .[dev]

For a full list of CLI options after installation nucypher-porter, run:

$ nucypher-porter run --help
  • Run Porter service
    • Run via HTTP

      $ nucypher-porter run --eth-provider <YOUR WEB3 PROVIDER URI> --network <NETWORK NAME>
      (_____ \           _
      _____) )__   ____| |_  ____  ____
      |  ____/ _ \ / ___)  _)/ _  )/ ___)
      | |   | |_| | |   | |_( (/ /| |
      |_|    \___/|_|    \___)____)_|
      the Pipe for PRE Application network operations
      Network: <NETWORK NAME>
      Provider: ...
      Running Porter Web Controller at

      To enable CORS, use the --allow-origins option:

      $ nucypher-porter run --eth-provider <YOUR WEB3 PROVIDER URI> --network <NETWORK NAME> --allow-origins ".*\.example\.com$"
      (_____ \           _
      _____) )__   ____| |_  ____  ____
      |  ____/ _ \ / ___)  _)/ _  )/ ___)
      | |   | |_| | |   | |_( (/ /| |
      |_|    \___/|_|    \___)____)_|
      the Pipe for PRE Application network operations
      Network: <NETWORK NAME>
      Provider: ...
      CORS Allow Origins: ['.*\\.example\\.com$']
      Running Porter Web Controller at

Run Porter with Reverse Proxy

This type of Porter execution illustrates the use of a reverse proxy that is a go between or intermediate server that handles requests from clients to an internal Porter service. An NGINX reverse proxy instance is used in this case. It will handle functionality such as TLS, CORS, and authentication so that the Porter service itself does not have to, and allows for more complex configurations than provided by Porter itself. More information about the NGINX reverse proxy docker image used and additional configuration options is available here.

via Docker Compose

Docker Compose will be used to start the NGINX reverse proxy and the Porter service containers.

  1. There is no need to install nucypher-porter after acquiring the codebase since Docker will be used.
  2. Set the required environment variables:
    • Web3 Provider URI environment variable


      Local ipc is not supported when running via Docker.

    • Network Name environment variable

    • The reverse proxy is set up to run over HTTPS by default, and therefore requires a TLS directory containing the TLS key and certificate for the reverse proxy. The directory is expected to contain two files:

      • porter.local.key - the TLS key
      • porter.local.crt - the TLS certificate

      Set the TLS directory environment variable

    • (Optional) The CORS configuration is set in the nucypher-porter/deploy/docker/nginx/porter.local_location file.


      By default, CORS for the reverse proxy is configured to allow all origins

  3. (Optional) Build the docker images:

  4. Run the NGINX reverse proxy and Porter service

  5. The NGINX reverse proxy will be publicly accessible via the default HTTPS port 443, and will route requests to the internal Porter service.
  6. View Porter service logs

  7. Stop Porter service and NGINX reverse proxy


Status Codes

All documented API endpoints use JSON and are REST-like.

Some common returned status codes you may encounter are:

  • 200 OK -- The request has succeeded.
  • 400 BAD REQUEST -- The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).
  • 401 UNAUTHORIZED -- Authentication is required and the request has failed to provide valid authentication credentials.
  • 404 NOT FOUND -- Request could not be completed because requested resources could not be found.
  • 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR -- The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Typically, you will want to ensure that any given response results in a 200 status code. This indicates that the server successfully completed the call.

If a 400 status code is returned, double-check the request data being sent to the server. The text provided in the error response should describe the nature of the problem.

If a 401 status code is returned, ensure that valid authentication credentials are being used in the request e.g. if Basic authentication is enabled.

If a 500 status code, note the reason provided. If the error is ambiguous or unexpected, we'd like to know about it! The text provided in the error response should describe the nature of the problem.

For any bugs/un expected errors, please file GitHub issues with contextual information about the sequence of steps that caused the error.

URL Query Parameters

All parameters can be passed as either JSON data within the request or as query parameter strings in the URL. Query parameters used within the URL will need to be URL encoded e.g. / in a base64 string becomes %2F etc.

For List data types to be passed via a URL query parameter, the value should be provided as a comma-delimited String. For example, if a parameter is of type List[String] either a JSON list of strings can be provided e.g.

OR it can be provided via a URL query parameter

More examples shown below.


If URL query parameters are used and the URL becomes too long, the request will fail. There is no official limit and it is dependent on the tool being used.

GET /get_ursulas

Sample available Ursulas for a policy as part of Alice's grant workflow. Returns a list of Ursulas and their associated information that is used for the policy.


Parameter Type Description
quantity Integer Number of total Ursulas to return.
include_ursulas (Optional) List[String]
List of Ursula checksum addresses to
give preference to. If any of these Ursulas
are unavailable, they will not be included
in result.
exclude_ursulas (Optional) List[String]
List of Ursula checksum addresses to not
include in the result.


List of Ursulas with associated information:

  • encrypting_key - Ursula's encrypting key encoded as hex
  • checksum_address - Ursula's checksum address
  • uri - Ursula's URI

Example Request


Example Response

Status: 200 OK

POST /retrieve_cfrags

Get data re-encrypted by the network as part of Bob's retrieve workflow.


Parameter Type Description
treasure_map String
Unencrypted treasure map bytes
encoded as base64.
retrieval_kits List[String]
List of retrieval kit bytes encoded
as base64.
alice_verifying_key String Alice's verifying key encoded as hex.
bob_encrypting_key String Bob's encrypting key encoded as hex.
bob_verifying_key String Bob's verifying key encoded as hex.
context (Optional) String
Associated JSON dictionary required
during re-encryption e.g. data to
satisfy re-encryption conditions.
  • A single retrieval kit is an encapsulation of the information necessary to obtain cfrags from Ursulas. It contains a capsule and the checksum addresses of the Ursulas from which the requester has already received cfrags, i.e. the Ursulas in the treasure map to skip.

    The format of a retrieval kit is:

    • base64(<capsule bytes>)
      if no cfrags were obtained from Ursulas in previous /retrieve_cfrags calls


    • base64(<capsule bytes><bytes of ursula_1 checksum address><bytes of ursula_2 checksum address>...)
      if some cfrags were already obtained from a subset of Ursulas for a retrieval kit in a previous /retrieve_cfrags call; for example, retrying after receiving less than a threshold of cfrags because some Ursulas may have experienced a blip in connectivity. This is an optional optimization that provides retry functionality that skips previously successful reencryption operations.
  • A context is an associated JSON dictionary of data required during re-encryption. One such example is when a condition for re-encryption requires proof of ownership of a wallet address; the context is used to provide the data and signature required for the proof.


The result of the re-encryption operations performed:

  • retrieval_results - The list of results from the re-encryption operations performed; contains a mapping of Ursula checksum address/cfrag pairs. The cfrags are base64 encoded. The list of results corresponds to the order of the retrieval_kits list provided. If there were issues obtaining cfrags for a particular retrieval kit, the corresponding list of cfrags could be empty or less than the expected threshold.

Example Request

curl -X POST <PORTER URI>/retrieve_cfrags \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"treasure_map": "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",
         "retrieval_kits": ["gANDYgMKitDPd/QttLGy+s7Oacnm8pfbl3Qs2UD3IS1d9wF3awJsXnjFq7OkRQE45DV4+Ma2lDSJ5SeKEBqJK5GdPMB6CRwJ1hX7Y5SYgzpZtr/Z5/S3DHgVKn+8fWX92FaqEXIGcQBjYnVpbHRpbnMKc2V0CnEBXXEChXEDUnEEhnEFLg=="],
         "alice_verifying_key": "02d3389864e9e7206ae1d18301bbd67ad8e0bdf257b3085c9aa13e9438ff9133f2",
         "bob_encrypting_key": "03d41cb7aa2df98cb9fb1591b5556363862a367faae6d0e4874a860321141788cb",
         "bob_verifying_key": "039c19e5d44b016af126d89488c4ae5599e0fde9ea30047754d1fe173d05eee468",
         "policy_encrypting_key": "02cdb2cec70b568c0624b72450c2043836aa831b06b196a50db461e87acddb791e"}'

Example Response

Status: 200 OK