
ESP8266 based rf433 gateway to MQTT

Primary LanguageC++

Homie and ESP8266 based firmware for RF433 gateway.


  • receive RF433 radio message and publish it to broker as MQTT message
  • All Homie buildin features (OTA,configuration)



1. Clone the Repository into VS Code

In VS Code press F1 enter ''git: clone'' + Enter and insert link to my repository (https://github.com/piotrC4/rf433-gateway)

2. Build binary file

In PlatformIO menu choose PROJECT TASKS -> Build

3. Upload firmware to ESP8266

Connect ESP to PC via serial adapter. In PlatformIO menu choose option PROJECT TASKS -> Upload.

4. Installig Homie UI

Copy UI bundle to data/homie folder (See https://github.com/homieiot/homie-esp8266/tree/develop/data/homie )

5. Upload SPIFFS image to ESP8266

In Platformio menu choose option PROJECT TASKS ->Upload File System image

Initial configuration

Software is build on top of Homie framework - configuration will be done in Homie-way. Connect to MyIOT-xxxxx AP and go to configration UI. Also there is Andorid configuration app - see https://homieiot.github.io/homie-esp8266/docs/develop/configuration/http-json-api/


Data reading

