
Framework for naming calendar events.


Eventful is a framework for naming calendar events.


Eventful uses four main values: activity, location, topics, and participants.

Two types of separators are added to enhance readability: activity values are separated from location, topics, and participants with a colon, whereas location, topics, and participants values are separated with a hyphen.

[Activity]: [Topic] - [Location] - [Pariticipants]

Certain values may be omitted from the title, insofar as they are needed to provide appropriate context. For example, it may be sufficient to mention only the event location or topic. In that case, the activity value may be dropped. The purpose is to strike a balance between brevity and clarity of the event title.


  • Follow title case formatting rules i.e., capitalize the first letter of each significant word in the event title.
  • List pariticipants in alphabetical order.
  • Avoid using special characters to simplify editing on the go (but ampersands are allowed).
  • Avoid using abbreviations, acronyms, or technical jargon unless they are widely understood.


Phill’s Coffee - Bruce & Selina 
Event Planning - Phill’s Coffee - Bruce & Selina
Product Design - Bruce & Selina
Marketing Strategy - Bruce & Selina
Workshop: Marketing Strategy - WeWork Market St - Executive Team
Off-site: Marketing Strategy - Farallon Islands - Executive Team
Intro: Bruce & Selina
Intro: Bruce & Team
Walk: Golden Gate Park - Bruce & Selina
Picnic: Golden Gate Park - Bruce & Selina
Drive: San Francisco - San Jose
Train: San Francisco - San Jose
Flight: San Francisco - San Diego


Eventful is available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Please link back to the source when you share and / or adapt any of the contents.