libSQL Shell

Table of Contents

Running the project

We can run the project using go run or creating an executable binary using go build. The only mandatory argument that you need to pass is DB, that can be a file path to a libsql/SQLite database or the URL to a Turso database.


To start a shell for libSQL/SQLite databases just point to your database location

go run ./cmd/libsql-shell/main.go my_libsql.db


To start a shell for Turso databases, you need your database URL and a database token:

  1. Login on Turso: turso auth login
  2. Create a database: turso db create
  3. Get your database URL: turso db show <db_name>. The URL will be on the format libsql://<db_name>-<username>
  4. Create a database token: turso db tokens create <db_name>

Then, to connect to Turso database you need to pass the database token as query parameter of URL, like the following command:

go run ./cmd/libsql-shell/main.go libsql://<db_name>-<username><db_token>`


Install git hooks

Git Hooks are shell scripts that run automatically before or after Git executes an important command, such as Commit or Push. To install it, run the command:


Configure tests

The tests are configured through .test_config.yaml file. Copy .test_config.yaml.example to create your .test_config.yaml and see below the description for each field:

  • turso_db_path: URL for turso database used during the tests. It should be a dedicated database once it's cleared after each test. Follow steps from Running the Project/Turso to generate a Turso db path. For this database, it's useful to generate a non-expiration token with turso db tokens create --expiration none <turso_test_db_name>
  • skip_turso_tests: Used to skip Turso related tests