
Primary LanguageSmalltalk

Nicer REPL for GNU Smalltalk

In the screenshots below:

  • [107402]> is a REPL prompt showing connection ID
  • I is an alias for an instance of MyInspector class
  • s: aString on its own means "search for" or "show" (selectors that match the string)
  • c: aClass on its own means "show class"
  • The two above (s: and c:) together mean "show methods of a class that match the string"

It's also possible to display doctring for methods without printing the source code:


  • FileStream class>>#popen:dir: accepts 'w+' for read-write communication
[19189]> p := (FileStream popen: '/bin/cat' dir: 'w+')
<Pipe on /bin/cat>
[19189]> p nextPutAll: ('asdasdasd',String nl)
[19189]> p nextLine
[19189]> die
[19189]> p close
<Pipe on /bin/cat>
[19189]> p close
<Pipe on /bin/cat>
[19189]> p
<Pipe on /bin/cat>
[19189]> p isOpen


  • browse senders - RBBracketedParser on methodSourceString ~/portless/versions/smalltalk/gnu-smalltalk-git/packages/stinst/parser/RBParser.st

  • allSelectors - better display, filtering, source code

  • http://www.educery.com/papers/modules/

  • deep into pharo - exceptions and blocks

  • smalltalk/x - minidebugger is better there

  • smalltalk/x - has --repl !

  • remove wildcard accessor generation (where not needed)

  • improve fileIn - parsing


  • string - visible width / without invisible escape sequences / String subclass: ColorizedString

  • make #subclass: msg sends clear the methods in the subclass

  • diff after loading / after parsing - check if there's a need to remove methods

  • inspector help

  • track variables in evals - create a class and object for each player ~/portless/versions/smalltalk/gnu-smalltalk-git/packages/visualgst/WorkspaceVariableTracker.st

  • DirPackage investigation