I have created a simple website based on a Masonry grid with my photos.
- Styles CSS/Sass were built using BEM methodology.
- The layout of the website is hinged on the Masonry grid.
- For faster page loading, photos are displayed using the Imagekit.io website.
- The responsiveness of the website was implemented using the Mobile First Design method.
If you want to propose any changes and help me to develop my project, please follow the changes below.
- Clone my repository
git clone https://github.com/piotrmaliga-git/My-Best-Photos--Masonry-grid.git
if you use a SSH Key Authentication
git clone git@github.com:piotrmaliga-git/My-Best-Photos--Masonry-grid.git
Open your code editor like Visual Studio Code
Start editing! 😊
If you want to send me your changes use Pull requests