
Facilitates custom Gradle wrappers construction

MIT LicenseMIT


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).


This plugin facilitates custom Gradle wrappers construction. For example, we can define common part which is shared through a custom Gradle distribution and have a terse end-project Gradle setup like this (this is a complete build.gradle file):

bootRun {
   main = 'com.mycompany.MyApplication'

Table of Contents

  1. License
  2. Overview
  3. Problem
  4. Solution
  5. Usage
  6. Examples
  7. Releases
  8. How to Contribute
  9. Contributors
  10. Feedback


Gradle scripts quite often contain duplicate parts, that's especially true for micro-service architecture where there are many small servers and each of them has its own repository.

One solution to that is putting common parts to a Gradle plugin. However, such extension would be specific to particular company and is unlikely to go to the Gradle plugin repository (to allow shorthand access).
That means that it still would be necessary to have a setup like below in every project:

buildscript {
    repositorirs {
        maven {
            url 'http://artifactory.mycompany.com/internalo'
        classpath 'com.mycompany:gradle-plugin:3.2.1'

apply plugin: 'com.mycompany.gradle-plugin'


Gradle automatically applies init scripts from Gradle wrapper's init.d directory. That's why we can do the following:

  1. Fetch a 'pure' Gradle distribution of particular version
  2. Put our scripts with common logic into it's init.d directory
  3. Store that modified Gradle distribution in our repository
  4. Reference that distribution from the Gradle Wrapper config in our projects


Configure Custom Distribution

  1. Create new Gradle project (an empty build.gradle)

  2. Register the plugin there:

    plugins {
        id 'tech.harmonysoft.oss.custom-gradle-dist-plugin' version '1.11.0'
  3. Specify target settings in the gradleDist {} block.
    mandatory settings:

    • gradleVersion - base Gradle wrapper version

    • customDistributionVersion - custom distribution version

    • customDistributionFileNameMapper - a property of type CustomDistributionNameMapper which generates resulting custom distribution file name for the given parameters. Note: it's necessary to specify this property or 'distributionNameMapper' property. It's an error to define the both/none of them

      • gradleVersion - base gradle distribution version as defined above
      • customDistributionVersion - custom distribution mixing version as defined above
      • gradleDistributionType - gradle distribution type as defined below
      • distributionName - nullable string - it's null in case client project produces a single custom Gradle distribution; non-null distribution name when multiple custom Gradle distributions are produced

      we configure it in build.gradle.kts as below:

      import tech.harmonysoft.oss.gradle.dist.config.CustomDistributionNameMapper
      gradleDist {
          customDistributionFileNameMapper = CustomDistributionNameMapper {
              gradleVersion: String, customDistributionVersion: String, distributionType: String, distributionName: String? ->

      this is how it can be configured in build.gradle:

      import tech.harmonysoft.oss.gradle.dist.config.CustomDistributionNameMapper
      gradleDist {
          customDistributionFileNameMapper = { gradleVersion, customDistributionVersion, distributionType, distributionName ->
          } as CustomDistributionNameMapper
    • customDistributionName - a unique identifier for the custom Gradle distribution. If this property is defined, then resulting file name is gradle-<gradleVersion>-<customDistributionName>-<customDistributionVersion>-<gradleDistributionType>.zip, e.g. gradle-8.4-my-company-1.2.3-bin.zip. I.e. these two setups are the same:

      gradleDist {
          customDistributionName = "my-company"


      gradleDist {
          customDistributionFileNameMapper = { gradleVersion, customDistributionVersion, gradleDistributionType, distributionName ->
              val prefix = "gradle-$gradleVersion-${config.customDistributionName.get()}-$customDistributionVersion"
               val suffix = "$gradleDistributionType.zip"
               distributionName?.let {
               } ?: "$prefix-$suffix"

    Note: it's necessary to specify this property or 'customDistributionFileNameMapper' property. It's an error to define the both/none of them

    optional settings:

    • gradleDistributionType - allows to specify base Gradle distribution type. bin and all are available at the moment, bin is used by default

    • skipContentExpansionFor - the plugin by default expands content of the files included into custom Gradle distribution by default (see below). That might cause a problem if we want to add some binary file like *.jar or *.so. This property holds a list of root paths relative to init.d which content shouldn't be expanded.
      Example: consider the following project structure:


      Here we want to expand content for my.gradle, but don't touch bin/profiler/agent.jar and bin/profiler/linux-x64/agentti.so. We can configure it as below:

      gradleDist {
        skipContentExpansionFor = listOf("bin/profiler")
    • rootUrlMapper - a property of type GradleUrlMapper which allows to build an url to the root base Gradle distribution path. This property is convenient in restricted environments where https://service.gradle.org is unavailable. We can deploy target Gradle distribution to a server inside the private network then and use it as a base for our custom Gradle distributions. The function receives the following arguments:

      • version - target base Gradle distribution version, e.g. 5.1
      • type - target base Gradle distribution type, e.g. bin

      Following implementation is used by default (build.gradle.kts):

      import tech.harmonysoft.oss.gradle.dist.config.GradleUrlMapper
      gradleDist {
          rootUrlMapper = GradleUrlMapper { version: String, type: String ->

      build.gradle syntax for the same:

      import tech.harmonysoft.oss.gradle.dist.config.GradleUrlMapper
      gradleDist {
        rootUrlMapper = { version, type ->
        } as GradleUrlMapper

    Resulting build.gradle might look like below:

    plugins {
        id 'tech.harmonysoft.oss.custom-gradle-dist-plugin' version '1.11.0'
    gradleDist {
        gradleVersion = '4.10'
        customDistributionVersion = '1.0'
        customDistributionName = 'my-project'
  4. Define common setup to be included to the custom Gradle distribution in the project's src/main/resources/init.d directory

    Note that the plugin supports simple text processing engine - it's possible to put utility scripts to the src/main/resources/include. Their content is applied to files from src/main/resources/init.d using $utility-script-name$ syntax.

    For example, we can have a file src/main/resources/init.d/setup.gradle:

    allprojects {

    and the following files in the src/main/resources/include directory:

    • src/main/resources/include/dependencies.gradle:

      dependencies {
          compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:$jackson-version$'
          compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-kotlin:$jackson-version$'
    • src/main/resources/include/jackson-version.gradle:


    When custom Gradle distribution is created, its init.d directory has setup.gradle file with the following content then:

    allprojects {
        compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.9.6'
        compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-kotlin:2.9.6'  

    Note that text processing might be nested, i.e. files from src/main/resources/include might refer to another files from the same directory through the $file-name$ syntax.

    Also, we can put any replacements into file src/main/resources/include/replacements.properties. Example:


    spring.plugin.version = 3.1.5
    spring.dependency.management.plugin.version = 1.1.3


    initscript {
        dependencies {
            classpath 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin:$spring.plugin.version$'
            classpath 'io.spring.gradle:dependency-management-plugin:$spring.dependency.management.plugin.version$'

    There is an alternative setup where we want to produce more than one Gradle wrapper distribution (e.g. android and server). In this situation corresponding directories should be created in the src/main/resources/init.d:

     |__ main
         |__ resources
                 |__ init.d
                       |__ android
                       |      |__ android-setup.gradle
                       |__ server
                              |__ server-setup.gradle   

    Here is what we have after the build:

      |__ gradle-dist
               |__ gradle-4.10-my-project-1.0-android.zip
               |__ gradle-4.10-my-project-1.0-server.zip
  5. Build Gradle distribution(s)

    ./gradlew buildGradleDist

    The distribution(s) are located in the build/gradle-dist

Configure Client Project

Just define your custom Gradle wrapper's location in the gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties file:


Note About Applying Plugins

It's quite possible that we would like to apply common plugins in init scripts, e.g. our projects are all java and we want to specify apply plugin: 'java' in the init script.

Unfortunately, there is a known old bug in Gradle that non-bundled plugins can't be applied by id in init script.

A solution is to apply them by fully qualified class name.

E.g. given 'normal' plugins configuration:

apply plugin: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm'
apply plugin: 'org.springframework.boot'
apply plugin: 'io.spring.dependency-management'
apply plugin: "com.jfrog.artifactory"

We should configure them like below in init script:

allprojects {
    apply plugin: org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformJvmPlugin
    apply plugin: org.springframework.boot.gradle.plugin.SpringBootPlugin
    apply plugin: io.spring.gradle.dependencymanagement.DependencyManagementPlugin
    apply plugin: org.jfrog.gradle.plugin.artifactory.ArtifactoryPlugin


Complete working examples can be found here.


Release Notes.

The latest plugin version can be found here.

How to Contribute



Please use any of the channels below to provide your feedback, it's really valuable for me: