
Simple REST API for Netguru as recruitment task.


Following stuff must be installed to make app working properly:


App is using Jest test framework.


Task Description
start Alias of serve - you can simply use npm start
build Launches commands build-ts and tslint
serve node dist/app.js
watch Watches via nodemon dist/app.js
test Runs all tests in tests directory
reformat Runs prettier and tslint
prettier Runs prettier
watch-test Runs test with watcher
build-ts Builds JavaScript from TypeScript sources
watch-ts Runs build-ts with watcher
tslint Runs tslint to check styles
dev Runs build and watch-debug - development env task
watch-serve Runs server via nodemon
watch-dev Concurrently runs watch-ts and serve-debug

Environmental variables list

Variable Description
DATABASE_ENGINE database engine (default: mysql)
DATABASE_HOST database host (default:
DATABASE_MAX_CONN database max connections (default: 25)
DATABASE_MAX_IDLE_MS database max idle time in ms (default: 30000)
DATABASE_MIN_CONN database min connections (default: 0)
DATABASE_NAME database name
DATABASE_PASSWORD database password
DATABASE_PORT database port
DATABASE_USER database user
PORT app port (default: 3000), you shouldn't change it!

Run in production

In order to run in production, I suggest using docker. More info how to run it - look below. If you want to run it without docker I suggest taking a look at "Environmental variables list", setting them up to your needs, creating the database and simply build it and start it:

$ npm run build
$ npm start

Run in production via Docker

You simply need to pull the image (it's available publicly on dockerhub) and set up envs. After setting up ENVs, create the database and proceed with commands:

$ docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name mysql mysql:5.7
$ docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --env-file ./config.env --name netguru piotrmoszkowicz/netguru

If you want to rebuild the image, feel free to do so via:

$ docker build . -t piotrmoszkowicz/netguru


To run locally, first of all you need to add local-development.ts file in /config. Use development.ts file as a template for it. You need to fill out database credentials and stuff, after it you can run command below:

$ npm run dev