
Access Control List plguin for VueJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Plugin of Access Control List from Vue JS 2

This plugin aims to control the layout of the system and block access to certain routes of the vue-router, that according to the current active permission on the system.


  • VueJS version 2
  • vue-router
  • Vuex version 2


We have two methods of installed, you can use the npm or a standalone.

To install with NPM

Use the following command to install as dependency:

npm install vue-acl --save

For standalone installation

To install just copy the file src/Acl.js to your plugins directory.

Get Started:

[1]: The state of your Vuex set a variable called acl_current, it defines what the current permission on your system.:

state: {
  acl_current: ''

[2]: Import the plugin and register it on VueJS, it is necessary to send as a parameter the vue router-router, the default system permission and store the Vuex:

import Store from '../vuex/store'
import Router from '../routes/router'
import Acl from 'vue-acl'
Vue.use( Acl, { router: Router, d_permission: 'any', store: Store } )

[3]: Add metadata in their routes the system needs have currently to call that route, use dot (.) to separate permissions:

export default [
  { path: '/'                   , component: Example              , meta: { permission: 'admin.any' } },
  { path: '/resource'           , component: Resource             , meta: { permission: 'admin.any' } },
  { path: '/vuex'               , component: Vuex                 , meta: { permission: 'admin' } }

[4]: The components use the global method can() to verify that the system gives access to permission passed by parameter:

<router-link v-show='can("admin.any")' to='/'>Router test</router-link> |
<router-link v-show='can("admin.any")' to='/resource'>Resource test</router-link> |
<router-link v-show='can("admin")' to='/vuex'>Vuex test</router-link>

This method receives a parameter with the permissions to check, separated by a dot (.), and returns a bool saying if permission has been granted.

To change the current system permission use the global method checkPermission(), passing as parameter the new permission:


NOTE: This method is a shortcut for $store.state.acl_current


To help in the development and expansion of this repository take a FORK to your account, after you have made your modifications do a PULL REQUEST, it will be parsed and included here since it helps the plugin.