
Template python project

Primary LanguagePython

Template project in python

Template project in python with simple logger, app configuration solution, gitignore, CI/CD Jenkinsfile, command line entry point, versioning, packaging with setuptools, contenerization with docker, test with pytest, and package publishing script to gemfury.


├── config.json                             #configuration file for the app folder above virtual env
├── Dockerfile                              #Dockerfile running the app on start
├── Dockerfile_python                       #Dockerfile with python and tmpuser for Jenkins
├── Jenkinsfile                             #Jenkinsfile for CI/CD setup
├── MANIFEST.in                             #Additional files for packaging with setuptools
├── python_template                         #Package main directory
│   ├── config.json                         #default configruation file
│   ├── config.py                           #configuration parser
│   ├── data                                #folder for data (should be configured with config.json)
│   │   └── __init__.py
│   ├── entry_points.py                     #Application entry points for setuptools to run app by single cmd command
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── logging_manager.py                  #Logging solution
│   ├── logs                                #Folder with log (should be cofigured with config.json)
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   └── steam_explorer_model.log        #log file (non versioned)
│   ├── python_template_source.py           #example source file
│   ├── tests                               #folder with tests
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   └── test_python_template.py         #example test testing python_template_source.py
│   └── VERSION                             #version number
├── README.md                               #this file
├── requirements.txt                        #necessary python packages to run the project
├── scripts                                 
│   └── publish_to_gemfury.sh
└── setup.py                                #setuptools setup.py file

Proposed git wokrflow with CI/CD

Git workflow

Variation on GitLab Flow with 3 branches reflecting 3 environments.

master as development branch (On push Jenkins deploys to production environment and publish the artifact) stage as testing/staging/preproduction (On push Jenkins deploys to staging environment) production as production env (On push Jenkins deploys to production environment)


To run CI/CD you need machine with Jenkins.

To enable Jenkins automated runs webhooks must be set up. To set up webhooks on github go to project Settings on and select Webhooks. Set up Payload Url to point to github-webhook endpoint on your machine with Jenkins.


To enable automated runs on pull requests under Which events would you like to trigger this webhook select Let me select individual events and pick Pushes and Pull requests

Now jenkins runs automated tests on every push and every pull request.


The agent for Jenkins is running docker container created from Dockerfile_python. It's default python image with additional temporary user. On push to master stage and production branch Jenkins will deploy to respective environment Publish to gemfury is done when pushing do master On every push and every pull request automated tests are run.

Jenkinsfile is using Jenkins pipeline. About Pipeline syntax. There is also an example of scripted syntax at the bottom of Jenkinsfile. Recognition of branch is done with when step. SSH is done with sshagent step from ssh agent plugin. All credentials are stored in vault.

Contenrization with dockerfiles

There are two dockerfiles Dockerfile_python and Dockerfile. Dockerfile_python is a clean python docker image with added temporary user. It is used in Jenkins Pipeline as a base image. Dockerfile is a file to contenerize the application. To create docker image enter main directory and execute docker build -t image_name .. To run image use docker run image_name. To enter bash terminal inside container use docker run -it image_name bash


Logging is implemented with standard loggin module. In current configuration file logger is set to WARNING level logging and console logger is set to INFO level logging

Automated tests

Automated tests are located inside tests folder. Every file with test_* or *_test pattern is considered a test file by PyTest package. More about python test discovery you can find here.


Packaging is implemented with setuptools package. Setup.py is packaging script. To add to package files that are not python files you can use MANIFEST.in file. To install files from MANIFEST.in during package installation include_package_data parameter of setup function must be set to True To install package execute python setup.py install. To install in develop mode execute python setup.py develop. This mode causes that all changes in package source code are instantly reflected during runtime (There is no need to reinstall the package). Another way to install in develop editable mode is to use pip. Execute pip install -e . To build publishable distribution packages use python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel

App configuration

In current configuration package is looking for configuration in parent directory of sys.prefix. For virtualenv it means a parent directory of virtualenv directory. If no config.json file is present the default config.json inside package will be used. config.json is parsed by config.py and is accessible through python_template.config module.

Setting up virtualenv with requirements.txt

It's a good practice to set up virtual environment for every project and install packages into that environment. You can create virtualenv with virtualenv name_of_venv command. To activate virtualenv in terminal use source namve_of_venv/bin/activate To install packages required for the project use pip install -r requirements.txt