
Brings libgimp2.0 to macOS

Primary LanguageRuby


This Tap exists primarily to provide libgimp2.0 on macOS.

Check out my guide on Building Resynthesizer for GIMP for an example.

Hopefully this will help make compiling plugins on macOS a bit more accessible.

How do I install these formulae?

brew install piotrtomiak/gimp/<formula>

Or brew tap piotrtomiak/gimp and then brew install <formula>.

Or install via URL (which will not receive updates):

brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/piotrtomiak/homebrew-gimp/master/Formula/<formula>.rb


brew help, man brew or check Homebrew's documentation.


Building Bottles

  1. ./prep-bottles -t=$tag -f=$formula
    • This script currently assumes Sierra as the build platform.
  2. Bottles have been built in ./bottles and the formula has been updated.

Distributing Bottles

  1. Build the bottles.
    • See: Building Bottles
  2. Release them
    • ./release -t=$tag -publish $file1 $file2 $file3