The data and code used for bachelor project in data science

Primary LanguagePython

Guide to running the code to create split:

  1. give_pharm_umls_cui.py
  2. making_pharm_no_data_leakage.py
  3. split_BioNev_test_up_to_get_valid.py
  4. making_the_transductive_split_with_no_data_leakage_for_all_the_datasets.py
  5. make_split_for_ndfrt_new_edges.py

Files to run models: (Choose the right path, all the paths are in there, some of them commented out)

ComplEx: ComplEx_maja.py

ConvKB: ConvKB.py

TransE: TransE.py

Run hyperparameter_optimization for complex NDFRT without new edges: ndfrt_ComplEx_hyper_parameter_optimization.py