
Register a DOI for this repository at Zenodo

GeorgFerdinandSchneider opened this issue · 8 comments

Dear Pieter,

if possible if would be great to register a DOI for this repository at Zenodo GH Tutorial.

This allows to reference the repository in scientific publications.



@GeorgFerdinandSchneider we should do it for our next release as well. @pipauwel I have some more code to contribute to #2 so I will try to submit that reasonably soon. This would allow use of IFC2RDF within Apache Any23.

Sure should be fine. The Zenodo DOIs are quite handy and more or less the APIs of both services do the job for you. if you need any help just msg me

@lewismc @pipauwel

If there is anything I can help to register a DOI let me know.

Hi @pipauwel yes I think you should roll a release with the new code. Call it 0.3. Let me know when you want to do this.

making new release of the software - Zenodo DOI integration should be included.
