
SDK for Pipedrive app extensions

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

App extensions SDK

This SDK provides interactivity between custom UI extensions and Pipedrive.

Learn more about custom UI extensions from Developer documentation.

npm install --save @pipedrive/app-extensions-sdk

Table of contents


In order to display a custom UI extension to a user, this SDK has to be initialized. In the iframe request, query id attribute is passed, which has to be provided to the SDK constructor. The SDK will try to read it from the URL query. If the URL is modified (e.g. with redirects), then it has to be passed manually.

import AppExtensionsSDK from '@pipedrive/app-extensions-sdk';

// SDK detects identifier from URL and uses default custom UI size
const sdk = await new AppExtensionsSDK().initialize();

// Pass in id manually and provide custom UI size
const sdk = await new AppExtensionsSDK({ identifier: '123abc' })
  .initialize({ size: { height: 500 } });

Without module bundler

Initialization without a module bundler is possible by adding the following script to your HTML page from jsDelivr CDN:

  <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@pipedrive/app-extensions-sdk@0/dist/index.umd.js"></script>

NB: Pay attention to the package version in the URL - app-extensions-sdk@0. While you can also use version range, ensure you do not omit the version completely in production. This is to avoid any issues.

After this, the global AppExtensionsSDK will be available. Initialization can be then done the same way below in the HTML body:

    (async function() {
      const sdk = await new AppExtensionsSDK().initialize();

User settings

Contains an object with user settings, such as theme interface preference, and is accessible directly as a property of an instance of AppExtensionsSDK.


Parameter Type Description
theme String Selected theme interface preference. Possible values:
  • light
  • dark


sdk.userSettings.theme can be used to set data-theme attribute to html tag of the iframe page with specific CSS for different themes.

[data-theme="dark"] body {
    // custom CSS for dark theme
import AppExtensionsSDK from '@pipedrive/app-extensions-sdk';

const sdk = new AppExtensionsSDK();

document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-theme', sdk.userSettings.theme);

await sdk.initialize();

See also USER_SETTINGS_CHANGE event to implement an immediate update of styles in case of user preference change.


Commands can be invoked with the execute method. On successful command execution, promise resolves. On error, it rejects.

sdk.execute(/* ... */)
  .then((data) => {
    // handle data
  .catch((err) => {
    // handle error

try {
  const data = await sdk.execute(/* ... */);
} catch (err) {
  // handle error

Show snackbar

Shows snackbar with provided message and link


Parameter Type Description Notes
message String Message displayed in snackbar required
link Object Link displayed next to the message optional
link.url string URL for link displayed in snackbar required
link.label string Label for link displayed in snackbar required


await sdk.execute(Command.SHOW_SNACKBAR, {
  message: 'Action completed',
  link: {
    url: 'https://app.pipedrive.com',
    label: 'View',

Show confirmation dialog

Shows confirmation dialog with provided title and description


Parameter Type Description Notes
title String required
description String Longer description of what is confirmed optional
okText String Confirm button text optional, default is "OK"
cancelText String Cancel button text optional, default is "Cancel"
okColor Color Color of the confirmation button optional, default is Color.NEGATIVE.

Available colors:
Color.PRIMARY (green)
Color.SECONDARY (white)
Color.NEGATIVE (red)


Parameter Type Description Notes
confirmed Boolean Result of confirmation


const { confirmed } = await sdk.execute(Command.SHOW_CONFIRMATION, {
  title: 'Confirm',
  description: 'Are you sure you want to complete this action?',


Resizes custom UI extension with provided height and width

Custom panel - only height can be changed and the value must be between 100px and 750px.

Custom modal - both height and width can be changed. The minimum height is 120px and the minimum width is 320px . The maximum height and width are limited to the user's browser dimensions.

Custom floating window - both height and width can be changed. The minimum height is 70px and the maximum height is 700px. The minimum width is 200px and the maximum width is 800px.


Parameter Type Description Notes
height Number Height of the custom UI extension optional
width Number Width of the custom UI extension optional


await sdk.execute(Command.RESIZE, { height: 500 });

Get signed token

A new JSON Web Token (JWT) that is valid for 5 minutes will be generated. It can be verified using the JWT secret which you can add from Marketplace Manager when configuring a custom UI extension. If it's not specified, use app's client secret instead. JWT contains Pipedrive user and company ids.

JWT can be used to ensure that the custom UI extension is loaded by Pipedrive. It can be passed to your API requests and be verified on the server side. As JWT expires in 5 minutes, you can use this command to get a new one.


Parameter Type Description Notes
token String


const { token } = await sdk.execute(Command.GET_SIGNED_TOKEN);

Open modal

Opens a JSON modal, custom modal or a new Pipedrive Deal, Organization, Person or Activity modal

JSON modal action

Parameters for JSON modal

Parameter Type Description Notes
type Modal required
action_id String JSON modal action id or name required


Parameter Type Description Notes
status String Indicates if modal was submitted or closed


const { status } = await sdk.execute(Command.OPEN_MODAL, {
  type: Modal.JSON_MODAL,
  action_id: 'Open settings',

Custom modal

Parameters for custom modal

Parameter Type Description Notes
type Modal required
action_id String Custom modal id or name required
data Object Object to be passed as stringified JSON to iframe, should be used with caution taking into account the maximum length of HTTP GET request optional


Parameter Type Description Notes
status String Indicates if modal was submitted or closed


const { status } = await sdk.execute(Command.OPEN_MODAL, {
  type: Modal.CUSTOM_MODAL,
  action_id: 'Open settings',
  data: {
    item: 'xyz',

New deal modal

Parameters for new deal modal

Parameter Type Description Notes
type Modal required
prefill Object Object to prefill some deal modal fields optional
prefill.title String Deal title optional
prefill.organization String Organization name to whom the deal belongs optional
prefill.person String Person name to whom the deal belongs optional


Parameter Type Description Notes
status String Indicates if modal was submitted or closed
id Number ID of created deal if it was submitted optional


const { status, id } = await sdk.execute(Command.OPEN_MODAL, {
  type: Modal.DEAL,
  prefill: {
    title: 'Important deal',

New person modal

Parameters for new person modal

Parameter Type Description Notes
type Modal required
prefill Object Object to prefill some new person modal fields optional
prefill.name String Person name optional
prefill.organization String Organization name to whom the person belongs optional


Parameter Type Description Notes
status String Indicates if modal was submitted or closed
id Number ID of added person if it was submitted optional


const { status, id } = await sdk.execute(Command.OPEN_MODAL, {
  type: Modal.PERSON,
  prefill: {
    name: 'Some name',
    organization: 'Some organization',

New organization modal

Parameters for new organization modal

Parameter Type Description Notes
type Modal required
prefill Object Object to prefill some new organization modal fields optional
prefill.name String Organization name optional


Parameter Type Description Notes
status String Indicates if modal was submitted or closed
id Number ID of added organization if it was submitted optional


const { status, id } = await sdk.execute(Command.OPEN_MODAL, {
  type: Modal.ORGANIZATION,
  prefill: {
    name: 'Some organization',

New activity modal

Parameters for new activity modal

Parameter Type Description Notes
type Modal required
prefill Object Object to prefill some new activity modal fields optional
prefill.subject String Activity subject optional
prefill.dueDate String Activity due date in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC) optional
prefill.dueTime String Activity due time in HH:mm format optional
prefill.duration String Activity duration in HH:mm format optional
prefill.note String Note, supports formatting with HTML ul, li, b, u, i tags optional
prefill.description String Activity description, supports formatting with HTML ul, li, b, u, i tags optional
prefill.deal Number Deal id that will be connected to the activity optional
prefill.organization Number Organization id that will be connected to the activity optional


Parameter Type Description Notes
status String Indicates if modal was submitted or closed
id Number ID of added activity if it was submitted optional


const { status, id } = await sdk.execute(Command.OPEN_MODAL, {
  type: Modal.ACTIVITY,
  prefill: {
    subject: 'Follow-up phone call',
    dueDate: '2022-12-18',
    dueTime: '13:00',
    duration: '00:30',
    note: 'Ask about <b>deal next steps</b>',
    description: 'Discussion about deal specifics',
    deal: 10,
    organization: 2,

Close modal

Closes an active modal window; applicable only for custom modal.


await sdk.execute(Command.CLOSE_MODAL);

Redirect to

Redirects user to specified view.


Parameter Type Description Notes
view View View where the user will be redirected to required

Supported views:
View.SETTINGS - redirects to custom settings page
id String/Number ID of the entity where the user will be redirected. If not provided, the user will be redirected to list view that's specified by the view property optional


await sdk.execute(Command.REDIRECT_TO, { view: View.DEALS, id: 1 });

Show floating window

Opens floating window and triggers Event.VISIBILITY with an optional context parameter that is dependent on your app's use case (see Visibility for details).


Parameter Type Description Notes
context Object Object to be passed as JSON to event handler optional


await sdk.execute(Command.SHOW_FLOATING_WINDOW, {
  context: {
    person_id: 42,

Hide floating window

Closes floating window and triggers Event.VISIBILITY with an optional context parameter that is dependent on your app's use case (see Visibility for details).


Parameter Type Description Notes
context Object Object to be passed as JSON to event handler optional


await sdk.execute(Command.HIDE_FLOATING_WINDOW, {
  context: {
    person_id: 42,

Set notification

For apps with floating window, display or remove notifications badge in apps dock. Not specifying the number or setting it to 0 removes the notification badge. Specifying a number greater than 0 displays a badge with that number.


Parameter Type Description Notes
number Number Number of notifications optional


await sdk.execute(Command.SET_NOTIFICATION, {
  number: 3,

Set focus mode

For apps with a floating window, you can enable or disable focus mode. When the focus mode is enabled, the close button in the window header is hidden.

This should only be used to avoid users accidentally closing the window while an action is in progress, e.g., a phone call. There should be a clear call-to-action to disable the focus mode, e.g., the end call button.

This command only accepts a boolean as the second parameter, and the floating window must be visible before using this command.


await sdk.execute(Command.SET_FOCUS_MODE, true);


Subscribe to events triggered by users.

const stopReceivingEvents = sdk.listen(event, ({ error, data }) => {
  // if error is present, handle error
  // handle data

stopReceivingEvents(); // Call this function to stop receiving events


Subscribe to visibility changes that are triggered by the user or an SDK command.

Custom panel

Event is triggered when the user collapses or expands the panel.

context parameter is not included.

Floating window

Event is triggered when the floating window is displayed or gets hidden.

context property may consist of data passed from Command.SHOW_FLOATING_WINDOW or Command.HIDE_FLOATING_WINDOW command and will always contain invoker with possible values command or user.


Parameter Type Description Notes
is_visible Boolean Specifies if the extension is visible to the user required
context Object Contains properties specific to extension optional
context.invoker String Describes if the event was triggered by an SDK command or the user optional


sdk.listen(Event.VISIBILITY, ({ error, data }) => {
  // handle event

Close custom modal

Subscribe to custom modal events that are triggered by this SDK's CLOSE_MODAL command or user interaction with the custom modal.

Custom panel - user closes the custom modal


sdk.listen(Event.CLOSE_CUSTOM_MODAL, () => {
  // handle event

User settings change

This event lets you get an update if any user settings have changed.


Parameter Type Description
theme String The selected theme interface preference. Possible values:
  • light
  • dark


sdk.listen(Event.USER_SETTINGS_CHANGE, ({ data }) => {
  // handle data

Page visibility state

Subscribe to the page visibility event that is triggered when the value of the visibilityState property changes. This event enables you to find out if the page your app extension will be loaded in is visible/in the background or hidden.

Parameter Type Description Notes
state String Indicates if the page is visible for the user required

Possible state values

visible The page is at least partially visible to the user. In practice this means that the page is the foreground tab of a non-minimized window.

hidden The page is not visible to the user. In practice this means that the page is either a background tab or part of a minimized window, or the OS screen lock is active.


const stopReceivingPageStateEvent = sdk.listen(Event.PAGE_VISIBILITY_STATE, ({ data }) => {
  // handle data

stopReceivingPageStateEvent() // Call this function to stop receiving event