
PipelineDB ODBC extension

Primary LanguageC


PipelineDB ODBC extension, mainly for PipelineDB <-> Vertica integration


You'll need to be able to build PipelineDB extensions, so you'll need to have PipelineDB installed on your system. Building the odbc_fdw extension utlimately uses pg_config, so ensure that PipelineDB's bin directory is on your path. Next, build and install the extension:

make install


First, create a DSN for connecting to Vertica from odbc_fdw. For example:

cat <<- EOF > /etc/odbcinst.ini
Description = HP Vertica ODBC Driver
Driver = /opt/vertica/lib64/libverticaodbc.so
cat <<- EOF > /etc/odbc.ini
[ODBC Data Sources]
Vertica = vertica database on HP Vertica

Description = vertica database on HP Vertica
Driver = VerticaDriver
Database = vertica
Servername = localhost
UID = dbadmin
PWD = vertica
Port = 5433
Locale = en_GB

Threading = 1

Next, create a table in Vertica to read from within PipelineDB:

vertica=> CREATE TABLE vertica_test (x integer, y integer, z integer);
vertica=> INSERT INTO vertica_test (x, y, z) VALUES (0, 0, 0);
(1 row)

Now connect to PipelineDB with pipeline. First we'll need to create the odbc_fdw extension:

pipeline=# CREATE EXTENSION odbc_fdw;

Next, point PipelineDB to the Vertica cluster via odbc_fdw (note that this uses the DSN from /etc/odbc.ini):

pipeline=# CREATE SERVER vertica FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER odbc_fdw OPTIONS (dsn 'Vertica');

Now we can map the Vertica table to a PipelineDB table via the Vertica foreign server:

pipeline=# CREATE FOREIGN TABLE vertica_test (x integer, y integer, z integer) SERVER vertica \
OPTIONS (database 'vertica', table 'vertica_test');

The final thing we need to do is map the PipelineDB user to a Vertica user:

pipeline=# CREATE USER MAPPING FOR <pipelinedb user> SERVER vertica \
OPTIONS (username '<vertica user>', password '<vertica password>');

We can now interact with our Vertica table via PipelineDB as if it were a native PipelineDB relation:

pipeline=# SELECT * FROM vertica_test;
 x | y | z 
 0 | 0 | 0
(1 row)

This means that the Vertica table can be used in a stream-table join with a continuous view:

pipeline=# CREATE CONTINUOUS VIEW v0 AS SELECT x::integer, COUNT(*) \
FROM stream s JOIN vertica_test t ON s.x = t.x GROUP BY s.x;

Insert some rows into the stream that will join on the row we previously inserted into Vertica:

pipeline=# INSERT INTO stream (x) SELECT 0 AS x FROM generate_series(1, 1000);

And verify that the continuous view in PipelineDB properly joined the Vertica relation on the stream:

pipeline=# SELECT * FROM v0;
 x | count 
 0 | 1000
(1 row)
