
Forms in reactjs using formik

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Create forms using Formik


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Using React based forms - Formik

  • initialValues
    • initialValues are like states in formik, initialValues must be refereced to inputs as id or name.
  • props
    • props contains the event handling functions in formik, we can pass it as props properties, e.g:- handleChange.
  • handleChange
    • handleChange is the event handler function in formik. This function handle's the values, while changing the values in input fields.
  • handleSubmit
    • handleSubmit is used to handle the submit action in formik.
  • values
    • values are refers to the perticular field value in initialValues.

Reducing boilerplate

  • Form

    • Form is used to handle onSubmit event in Formik.
  • Field

    • Form inputs can replace with Field in Formik. Name or Id must be match with initial values in Field.
  • setFieldValue

    • Instead of using handleChange you could use setFielValue in cases where you want to explicitly set the particular field value. setFieldValue can be used in form element like this:

    • It also can be used out of form elements and in custom components like react-rating (in setting the ratings field based on what user clicked) or Google-maps (in setting the co-ordinates of the location the user clicked)

Form validation

  • Yup
    • yup is used to validate form fields.
npm i yup (or) yarn add yup
  • ErrorMessage
    • ErrorMessage is used to simplify error message in Formik.
    • ErrorMessage need Name or Id for the error Field, We can set a component as div or span.


  • Always convert single line values to lowercase.
  • Use Disabled option to the submit button during submission to avoid multiple clicks.


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