
Dockerfile to build a container image with your favourite Nutanix Command-Line Interface Tools

Primary LanguageShell


Dockerfile to build a container image with your favourite Nutanix Command-Line Interface Tools


  • Internet
  • Docker CE or EE
  • Nutanix favourite CLI tools

Cloning the repo

Clone this repo and move into the directory

$ git clone https://github.com/pipoe2h/docker-nutanix-cli-tools.git
$ cd docker-nutanix-cli-tools

Downloading the CLI tools

This Dockerfile has been developed to use the following CLI tools (all the CLI tools must be saved into the tools directory):

  • nCLI (Nutanix CLI). Download the ncli.zip file from Prism.
  • aCLI (Acropolis CLI). You can get this tool using SFTP/SCP (nutanix@<CVM_IP_ADDRESS>:/usr/local/nutanix/bin/acli). aCLI requires the mincli tool. Please copy both tools (nutanix@<CVM_IP_ADDRESS>:/usr/local/nutanix/bin/mincli)
  • NuCLEI (Nutanix CLI for Expression of Intents). You can get this tool using SFTP/SCP (nutanix@<CVM_IP_ADDRESS>:/usr/local/nutanix/bin/nuclei).
$ ls tools
acli     mincli   ncli.zip nuclei

Building the Docker image

To build the image run the following command within the repo directory. I have used the tag latest, feel free to use your own tagging.

$ docker build . -t docker-nutanix-cli-tools:latest

Testing the image

To test this image you need access to a CVM.

Also, this image uses variables to pass the required values:

  • NTNX_IP (CVM or cluster IP)
  • NTNX_USERNAME (UI username)
  • NTNX_PASSWORD (UI password)

Finally you must choose as a command what Nutanix CLI tool you want to use. Currently the available choices are:

  • ncli
  • acli
  • nuclei

Note: If you would like to have more Nutanix CLI tools included on this Dockerfile, please open an issue in GitHub and I'll take a look.


$ docker run -it --rm -e NTNX_IP= -e NTNX_USERNAME=admin -e NTNX_PASSWORD=admin docker-nutanix-cli-tools:latest ncli

Welcome, admin
You're now connected to 00000afa-0b00-0a0e-000c-0000000000a0 (JoseGomez.io) at


$ docker run -it --rm -e NTNX_IP= -e NTNX_USERNAME=admin -e NTNX_PASSWORD=admin docker-nutanix-cli-tools:latest acli



$ docker run -it --rm -e NTNX_IP= -e NTNX_USERNAME=admin -e NTNX_PASSWORD=admin docker-nutanix-cli-tools:latest nuclei


The arguments used are:

  • -it (Interactive + Allocate a pseudo-TTY)
  • --rm (Automatically remove the container when it exits)
  • -e (Set environment variables)
  • ncli/acli/nuclei (tool to run)


Create a dedicated folder where you can save the credentials for each of your Nutanix clusters on its own file. This example shows a single cluster (cluster1), but you can repeat the same steps for multiple clusters. Also, remember to set the permissions of your credential files to 600 so only you have read/write access.

$ mkdir credentials
$ cd credentials
$ cat <<EOF> cluster1
$ chmod 600 cluster1

Now you can run a new container and pass the variables as a file.

$ docker run -it --rm --env-file cluster1 docker-nutanix-cli-tools:latest <ncli/acli/nuclei>

Disclaimer: Containerised Nutanix CLI tools are not officially supported by Nutanix. Please use at your own risk.