
This Vagrantfile is for the deployment of a Kubernetes platform with a single master and multiple nodes. This platform uses Canal as the CNI plug-in. In addition, NFS service is provided for persistent storage.

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This Vagrantfile is for the deployment of a Kubernetes platform with a single master and multiple nodes. This platform uses Canal as the CNI plug-in.

In addition, a NFS server provides persistent storage for your pods. The path is <IP_nfs_server>:/var/nfs/kubernetes


  • VirtualBox


$ git clone https://github.com/pipoe2h/kubernetes-vagrant.git
$ cd kubernetes-vagrant


The Kubernetes platform you get with this Vagrantfile is:

  • NFS server (1x CPU/256MB memory/10GB disk/IP .9)
  • Single Kubernetes master server (1x CPU/1GB memory/IP .10)
  • Two Kubernetes node servers (1x CPU/1GB memory/IP .11-254)
  • Vagrant box Ubuntu/Xenial64

Before you run vagrant up you should review the Vagrantfile settings to map your requirements.

## Infrastructure
### General
$linked_clone = true                        # Save storage space
$network = "192.168.34"                     # Only first three octets
$vagrant_user = "vagrant"                   # The SSH user included in the vagrant box

### NFS
$nfs_cpu = 1
$nfs_memory = 256
$nfs_gb = 10                                # The NFS disk for the master server is expressed in decimal gigabytes (Default: 10GB)

### Master
$master_cpu = 1
$master_memory = 1024                       # 1GB minimum required (2GB recommended)    

### Node
$node_count = 2                             # Minimum one node
$node_cpu = 1           
$node_memory = 1024                         # 1GB minimum required (2GB recommended)

## Docker & Kubernetes
$docker_version = "17.03"                   # Find other versions on https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/install-kubeadm/#installing-docker
$k8s_token = "b33f0a.59a7100c41aa5999"      # This is a static token to make possible the automation. You can replace it with your own token 
$k8s_api_port = "6443"                      # This is the default Kubernetes API port when kubeadm is used


$ vagrant up

Depending on your hardware performance and Internet speed, a single Kubernetes node platform (master is always required) can take around 5-10 minutes to come up.

You can check the Kubernetes cluster status on master server.

$ vagrant ssh master

vagrant@master:~$ kubectl get nodes
master    Ready     master    14h       v1.9.3
node1     Ready     <none>    14h       v1.9.3
node2     Ready     <none>    14h       v1.9.3