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Define: blocking

blocking noun [U] (PREVENTING)

the action or fact of preventing something such as light, air, or a moving object from passing through a place:

  • He is responsible for dealing with parking violations such as blocking of driveways.
  • The structure will be largely built from glass in order to minimize the blocking of bay views.

the act of preventing something from happening or succeeding:

  • The blocking of legislation was a deliberate strategy.

blocking noun [U] (SPORT)

in American football, the act of moving in front of opponents and pushing them back so that the player with the ball can carry it forwards more easily:

  • As a college player he was best known for his blocking.
  • His blocking skills help the team's running game.

blocking noun [U] (THEATRE)

the way that actors are arranged physically on a stage or film set:

  • The long, narrow stage creates some awkward blocking—performers sometimes have to repeat things so both sides of the house can see them.
  • The actors already know their lines; they’re here to learn blocking and refine their delivery.

(Cambridge Dictionary)