
Rename photos in given dir to their EXIF DateTimeOriginal. New filename will be in YYYYMMDD_hh24mmss format.

Primary LanguageRust

Rust EXIF Renamer

A dummy file renamer renaming JPEG files based on DateTimeOriginal in their EXIF metadata. Written in Rust.

How it works

It expects a single argument, the directory containing the JPEG files to rename.

Then it looks for the DateTimeOriginal field in the EXIF data, which typically stores the date and time the photo was taken.

If it finds that field, it parses the date and time of it, and renames the file accordingly using the YYYYMMDD_hh24mmss pattern.

If anything fails, it prints an error message and continues with the next file.


cargo build --release


cargo install --path .


exif-renamer somefolder