
This is a task to Automate the Perlego Login Form using Cypress and Cucumber with Mochawesome report

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Expedia Hotel Journey

This is a task to Automate the Perlego Login Form using Cypress and Cucumber with Mochawesome report, Please see below for the Test Case that are automated

Test Scenario: Login Function

Test Case Number Test Case
TC001 Verify that the login screen contains elements such as Username, Password, Sign in button, Remember password check box, Forgot password link, and Create an account link.
TC002 Verify that all the fields such as Username, Password has a valid placeholder
TC003 Verify if a user will be able to login with a valid username and valid password
TC004 Verify if a user will be able to login with a invalid username and valid password
TC005 Verify if a user cannot login with a valid username and an invalid password.
TC006 Verify the login page for both, when the field is blank and Submit button is clicked.
TC007 Verify the ‘Forgot Password’ functionality.
TC008 Verify the messages for invalid login.
TC009 Verify the ‘Remember Me’ functionality.
TC010 Verify if the data in password field is either visible as asterisk or bullet signs.
TC011 Verify if a user is able to login with a new password only after he/she has changed the password.
TC012 Verify the time taken to log in with a valid username and password.
TC013 Verify if refreshing page erase the entered text.
TC014 Verify that User is not able to Login with blank Username or Password
TC015 Verify the password can be copy-pasted

Note - These are one of the few to be automated


  1. clone the repo
  2. npm install or yarn install

Run tests


npx cypress run

Cypress UI - Run on Cypress UI

yarn || npm test:chrome

Technology used:

  • Cypress
  • Cucumber
  • Mochawesome


Live report - Schedule to run everyday