About this Repo:

This is an example of how to create a simiple Slack bot using Slack API, then using Github action (CI) to build and push the latest docker image to AWS ECR.

Why is this prepo usefull:

We can using this bot to simple tigger a GitHub action workflow via Slack.

How it works:

Works by triggering a dispatch workflow on GitHub when a certain command is triggered on Slack, It will then wait poll for until the workflow is finished and send response back to slack.


  1. rename .env.example file to .env

  2. Create a classic app -

  3. Once app is created, Retrive the OAUTH token and add it to .env file

  4. Create a Github token -> settings -> developer settings -> personal access tokens

  5. Add your github token, username and respo name to env variable

  6. Must have a repo to trigger the test on, see my example Repo must have docker image on ERC with the workflow to trigger


  1. Clone the repo

  2. npm install

Run locally


node .

you should see status bot started in your terminal if succesful

Docker - Run on Docker

Build Image

make docker

Run Image

make run

Run locally

Once its running, headover to to slack and add the bot in to the channel if its not added already. You should see that the bot is online, type in !qa run-cypress command to trigger the run.

Technology used:

  • Slack API

  • Docker

  • AWS

  • Github Action (CI)