A simple proof-of-concept of Shiro authentication with JDBC Realm and MySQL.
- adeydas@amzn
- aker
- AledLewisFivium
- arcuri82Oslo, Norway
- bhujbal
- blueskybluesea
- btbytesMicrosoft
- caidonglun
- danielmtCrystal Intelligence
- denghp
- dimiro1Berlin, Germany
- doubledouble
- dungpx8
- egopherWorldwide
- felipecaparelliAthletys Technology LLC
- gabrielrubensPorto
- jackiect
- jamesab1969Chicago
- javajackIndia
- jbuntingOxford, OH
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- praskarnam
- Rezalik
- severlohmsxf
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- wgpshashankCracking The Code Lab
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