
Lab to try out debezium.

Primary LanguageShell

Debezium Lab


https://debezium.io/ https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/1.1/tutorial.html

Debezium Server

https://debezium.io/blog/ https://debezium.io/blog/2020/05/19/debezium-1-2-beta2-released/ https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/1.5/operations/debezium-server.html



Command log

Commented history of what commands were run during the lab.


First of all, start up the local dependencies. Both a pre configured postgres server and a local kinesis server.

# Make sure no unexpected aws profile is active
aws sts get-caller-identity

# Make sure no unexpected gcp configuration is active
gcloud config configurations list
gcloud config configurations activate local

# Start up local dependencies
docker-compose up -d

Local kinesis

First test the local kinesis.

# Helper function
awslocal() {
  aws --endpoint=http://localhost:4568 $@

# Create a stream
awslocal kinesis list-streams
# > {
# >     "StreamNames": []
# > }
awslocal kinesis create-stream --stream-name mystream --shard-count 1
awslocal kinesis list-streams
# > {
# >     "StreamNames": [
# >         "mystream"
# >     ]
# > }

# Put a record on the stream
awslocal kinesis put-record --stream-name mystream --partition-key 123 --data testdata
# > {
# >     "ShardId": "shardId-000000000000",
# >     "SequenceNumber": "49607460903051878213938622908891381945100083754734452738"
# > }

# Read the stream
## Create a shard iterator for the kinesis stream
  awslocal kinesis get-shard-iterator \
    --shard-id shardId-000000000000 \
    --shard-iterator-type TRIM_HORIZON \
    --stream-name mystream \
    --query 'ShardIterator' \
    --output text
# Make sure you got a value for the iterator:
# > AAAAAAAAAAGl5uxo+asOiIswDuwm+yjIqbGFkVuVw9dstmw7COJA/WEXmho5FU06cu+RdCBg1KEmM/YOhPbT4EqtNnTAsl0GVtVo0XLEDeaqTyB9yyGz3t5v53v2PGdFDggjtWVHwuMg+TIQkEA8M/VltmZJj/jBtJl3H64tuCS9IF8H+4eo4oOFvLh99TTaWY1LnjX+u10=

## Read using the shard iterator
awslocal kinesis get-records --shard-iterator "$SHARD_ITERATOR" | jq -r '.Records[].Data'
# > testdata

If that all works we have a functioning local kinesis to use for testing.

Local pubsub

First test the local pubsub.

git submodule add https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-pubsub.git
# If you are following along, this will fail since it's already in the repo.
# Use this instead:
#  git submodule update --init

cd nodejs-pubsub/samples
npm install

export PUBSUB_PROJECT_ID=project_id
export PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8085

# Create the topics
node listAllTopics.js
node createTopic.js
node listAllTopics.js
node deleteTopic.js

Should be working.

Local postgres

This should work out of the box since it's pre configures.

But lets try it out.

# Run bash within the server container
docker exec -it debezium-lab_source-db_1 bash

# Connect a `psql` client to the server
psql postgres postgres
\dt inventory.
select * from inventory.customers;
select * from inventory.orders;



Follow instructions. Download to ./debezeum-server.

Download dist

# Debezium server
curl -O https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/debezium/debezium-server-dist/1.5.2.Final/debezium-server-dist-1.5.2.Final.tar.gz
gunzip debezium-server-dist-1.5.2.Final.tar.gz
tar -xvf debezium-server-dist-1.5.2.Final.tar

Git clone

The distribution has support for local kinesis stream endpoints. If you intend to use kinesis you can skip this step.

Sadly the distribution does not support local google pubsub stream endpoints. Therefor we clone and patch the debezium project.

# Clone the upstream repo
git submodule add https://github.com/debezium/debezium.git
# If you are following along, this will fail since it's already in the repo.
# Use this instead:
#  git submodule update --init

cd debezium

# Patch to enable using a local stream endpoints
git apply ../0001-Add-support-for-local-kinesis-by-adding-endpoint-con.patch
git apply ../0001-Add-support-for-pubsub-emulator-by-adding-endpoint-c.patch

# Build
mvn install -DskipITs -DskipTests

# Replace the pre-packaged jar file with the newly built version
cp debezium-server/debezium-server-kinesis/target/debezium-server-kinesis-1.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ../debezium-server/lib/debezium-server-kinesis-1.3.0.Final.jar
cp debezium-server/debezium-server-pubsub/target/debezium-server-pubsub-1.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ../debezium-server/lib/debezium-server-pubsub-1.3.0.Final.jar
cd ..

Test it

Once all the dependencies are verified to work we want to try it out.

In separate terminal windows, run the debezium-server and a stream client. Then make a change in the db.



